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doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member

On August 31, 2001 my good friend, and the person who introduced me to RVs, perished in his RV-6 near Chicago while on a trip to visit relatives. His RV-6 (N910RS) was the very first RV I laid eyes on, was the first I rode in, and the fact that you are reading this now gives testament to the fire started in my soul by Dave.

For those of you who haven't heard the story, in 1996 I was a 30-hour student pilot topping off the tanks of a 1973 Cessna 150 which I was renting when Dave taxied up to the pump in his RV and began talking 'colorfully' (he had forgotten his gas card). Having never seen ANYTHING in the world like his plane I humbly offered $10 of avgas for a short ride. He told me three times it wouldn't be a $10 ride and that I'd end up building one. I politely smiled and assured him that I was quite happy with the C-150 (remember being a student pilot and knowing everything). After the flight (that also included my first loops and rolls) and while walking towards my car, Dave called out to me just like Mean Joe Green in that old Coke commercial and said, "Kid, don't build a noseroller....."


It goes without saying that Dave and his airplane made a lasting impression in my life. We flew together a few more times over the years. The precise reason I'm building a tip-up RV-6 is because that's what Dave had. It really stuck.

Both of our Dads passed away during the construction of our planes, his several years ago and mine on the last day of 1999. In fact, Dave's tail number (N910RS) was a tribute to his Dad, Roger Spears, who was born in September of 1910. There wasn't a time after my Dad passed away that Dave didn't start the conversation with 'How are you and your Mom doing?' He genuinely cared how you were doing, he didn't have a hidden agenda, and you knew you could call him anytime for anything. I don't think he had a mean bone in his body.

His funeral was wonderful. Held in Dave's old hanger, there was a band playing loud rock'n'roll, a keg, a bunch of Dave's biker friends, people telling 'Dave stories', a RV missing man fly-by and at the end of the service a lone biplane that spread Dave's ashes at 500' during a pass down NW Regional's runway. I had never clapped and whistled at a funeral before, but I have now - and it was completely and utterly refreshing.

We should all be so lucky as to have such a send off.


I'm Catholic, and the Catholic Church is big on "Love Thy Neighbor". It teaches that there is no singular thing you can do with your life that is more important than to treat those around you with caring and compassion and to provide help when called upon. If you gauge a man by this yardstick, then Dave was of the highest caliber. He helped me. He helped everyone.

The web site is forever dedicated to the memory of David Lee Spears, the man who showed me that there is more to life than standing on the ground and looking up. The man who encouraged me and hundreds of others to take the road less traveled, to drink in life and shake it for all it's worth.

God's Grace and Peace be with you, Dave.

Tailwinds buddy,


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