
Well Known Member
I'm posting this request to aid not only in my avionics planning, but hopefully to create a resource for others. If there is a thread or other web resource with this info aggregated, I haven't found it and would love a link. Otherwise, I prefer not calling Jeppesen for this much info.

Here's what I'm looking for:

1 - How much does your database cost? One-time? Subscription(s)?
2 - Are there database options, if so, what costs?
2 - Is it / are they downloadable?
3 - Backupable? (yes I think I made that word up)
4 - Do you need any special equipment to install? (i.e. do you get it soft and upload it or do you have to swap hardware with Jepp)
5 - Other comments / thoughts

I'm specifically looking for the data for IFR capable GPS's and GPS/Comms, as well as a few handhelds, including but not limited to:

Garmin 400 series / 500 series / 300XL / 155XL
Apollo GX50 / GX55 / GX60 / GX65

Garmin 396 / 496

Given that others are probably looking, what I'd really like to see is ANYONE with any GPS or Moving Map Display, available or discontinued, respond in this thread with costs and comments so we can build a bit of a knowledge base. I'll be glad to summarize and organize if called for.

Thanks in advance,

The last one time update that I did from Garmin for GX60 was $183.

A coworker with a T-18 just priced a one time Jeppesen update for his GX65 and they told him $120 for the download but you need to have the "Skybound" hardware to do it. There is NO employee discount on the one time database download.

I lent him my 'Skybound' hardware (and software) do do the download.

The 2005 Jeppesen catalog lists one time update for for GX50, GX55, GX60, GX65, 2101 at $120 and Skybound one year revision service is $355. (2005 catalog price).

Same catalog has Skybound updates for:
GNX 400 and 500 series $125 one time / $365 revision service
GPS 155/155XL, 165, 300/300XL $99 one time / $340 revision service

All the above info is for the Americas database.

The catalog says "Our Garmin Handheld Updates are available over the internet for the low price of just $35 per update. Get the latest update whenever and wherever you want. Visist us at"

I will let someone else update the old prices to the latest. I find no prices on their web site but it says "To place an order for services or for an extra card for any of these services, call us at 1-800-621-5377 or +49 6102 5070."

GPS Database Cost

If you go with the Grand Rapids Sport with built in WASS GPS there is no charge for the Database or for revisions of the database ($2000.00 for GPS only or $3200.00 for full blown PFD/GPS). You can also add weather as an overlay onto the Moving Map GPS (there is a monthly subscription for weather).

You can also include the graphics engine monitor interface for an additional $1400.00. The GRT Sport pricing can be found at If you go with the Grand Rapids Sport with built in WASS GPS there is no charge for the Database or for revisions of the database ($2000.00 for GPS only or $3200.00 for full blown PFD/GPS). You can also add weather as an overlay onto the Moving Map GPS (there is a monthly subscription for weather).

You can also include the graphics engine monitor interface for an additional $1400.00.

I am not associated with Grand Rapids other than being a loyal three screen user with all the bells and whistles.
Yes and No

dav1111 said:
If you go with the Grand Rapids Sport with built in WASS GPS there is no charge for the Database or for revisions of the database ($2000.00 for GPS only or $3200.00 for full blown PFD/GPS). You can also add weather as an overlay onto the Moving Map GPS (there is a monthly subscription for weather).

Yes but the GRT databases are not for IFR. Later this year GRT will be offering an IFR database and it will come from Jeppeson. And there is no chance that will be free.