
Well Known Member
Anyone have an affordable method of updating the chart data on Garmin portables (GPSmap xxx, etc)?

I perused the Garmin support site and got no hint that updating chart data would cost $ for my ancient 196. Purchased a data cable, loaded the software, entered the ID of the device, and only then discovered their charges for the VFR handhelds.

$300/yr or $50/update seems a bit much for a VFR chart update on a $100 GPS, for the same tax dollars-funded data that's available for multiple other platforms for free (not counting my tax dollars, of course).


Welcome to the world of aviation data updates.
Yup, that's what it costs, because that's what Garmin thinks it's worth.
You have two choices, pay, or don't pay.

(Can you tell how much I support this policy? If not, the answer is "Not much!" LoL)
Anyone have an affordable method of updating the chart data on Garmin portables (GPSmap xxx, etc)? $300/yr or $50/update seems a bit much for a VFR chart update on a $100 GPS. Thanks, Charlie

I just sold my beloved Garmin 196 on ebay, had not used it in 10 years. GREAT GPS. I recall at past Oshkosh events, you could get it updated at the show at the Garmin booth for free or nominal charge. Avionics Vendors at the show also would update handheld Garmin's. However that was 10 years ago. If you are planning a trip to a big aviation convention, bring your GPS, you may find someone who will update it.

Use it as is, bring your AFD and Sectional. Before I sold my 196 I played with it. The airports were still in the same place. As far as airspace, I would not totally trust it. The 196's Restricted, Class B airspace warnings saved me a few times.

With that said, get yourself a use iPad and a subscription to Foreflight and a ADBS in receiver and join the 21st Century. Far more capability :D
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Thanks, but I'll stick with my various android devices running Avare, running everything including ADSB-in, for $0.00 and $0.00 for updates. Only reason the 196 is still in the plane is that it's plug&play with its contemporary, the Navaid wing leveler. As you say, the airports don't move that much (though their names and/or identifiers do change on occasion).

I guess I'll eventually break down & buy a usb>serial converter, and get a spare phone talking to the Navaid.

I appreciate the update. And Garmin, if you're listening, just be aware that we're aware that there are now other options....

With that said, get yourself a use iPad and a subscription to Foreflight and a ADBS in receiver and join the 21st Century. Far more capability :D
Since money is a factor, suggesting a Foreflight subscription seems a little off. Try FltPlanGo first, it's free for everything. And, oddly enough, now owned by Garmin.
I just did a one time update to an old 496. Again, a GPS that?s probably worth $300 and I?m spending $50 on data that costs virtually nothing for the seller to provide. And the only reason it costs even a little bit to provide is that it must be converted from the government supplied free format to the seller?s proprietary format.

It bugged me, but it was the least offensive option.

I?ve got a business degree and I understand supply and demand and all that, but each time a discussion of Garmin?s pricing policies comes up, I have to wonder if they?d make more money by giving up a little margin in exchange for more volume.
$50? Must be nice. Try living in Canada, updates are a lot more here. Smaller market, smaller demand, higher price.
Thanks, but I'll stick with my various android devices running Avare, running everything including ADSB-in, for $0.00 and $0.00 for updates. Only reason the 196 is still in the plane is that it's plug&play with its contemporary, the Navaid wing leveler. As you say, the airports don't move that much (though their names and/or identifiers do change on occasion).

I guess I'll eventually break down & buy a usb>serial converter, and get a spare phone talking to the Navaid.

I appreciate the update. And Garmin, if you're listening, just be aware that we're aware that there are now other options....


Are you interested in a Smart Coupler II for your Nav Aid? It adds some flexibility to the NavAid.
Are you interested in a Smart Coupler II for your Nav Aid? It adds some flexibility to the NavAid.

Thanks, but already have one installed. That's why I wanted to update the 196; its serial (digital) output drives the smart coupler to drive the Navaid.

Time to order a micro-usb to serial adapter, & get one of my spare $20 android phones talking to the coupler.


Know anyone in the local fire department? They may have a subscription that will enable an update on your unit. If so, a donation to their holiday party fund might be in order.

Cheers, David
I love my gpsmap 296. I even purchased a replacement battery for it not too long ago. Garmin's update charges for these devices are usurious and have really turned me off the company. There are, what 12-15 updates annually, and if they can charge $300/ yr, then it shouldn't cost $50 for one update. (This especially for something done electronically without human intervention.) Most of us don't need to update this thing year round. It really scares me to put a load of new garmin equipment in my panel and then at some point to be held hostage paying hundreds of dollars for continued basic functionality. My new panel will not be garmin database dependent. As others have said, there are alternatives, even if not as nice and integrated as garmins hardware.
Upgraded at Sun n Fun

I upgraded my 196 at Sun n Fun this year. Gulf Coast Avionics did it at their booth in about 5 minutes. I handed them two twenty dollar bills and they handed me a receipt and my updated 196. Couldn't have been any easier.

Mine was ~10 years out of date, so $40 to get it current was a fair price for me. I'll let you decide if it a fair price for you. I obviously don't update mine too often. Most of the airports I use don't move much!!
Update for a 496

Gosh, Maybe 6 or 8 months ago, Garmin updated my 496 for nutin. I ain't callin them and saying "Guess what". Wouldn't want to get a "good" guy in trouble. Garmin---don't read this. (And Garmin, I pay enough bux for your Garmin Pilot anyhow!! On my android.;):(:eek::rolleyes::mad::confused::cool::eek:

If I get up to Oshkosh this summer, I will definitely visit the Garmin booth----for an update.
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