
Well Known Member
I'm sure this question has been asked many times, so pardon me for making it many+one.

Is there an easily understandable narrative document that anyone has ever put together on how to dump data from the GRT EIS 4000 into a log file?

I'm aware of several programs and spreadsheet templates that are available, but they don't really tell me much like:

1) What's the pin assignment on the serial out to a connector to a PC
2) Can the data be mined after a flight or can it only be monitored and downloaded during a flight?
3) What program can accomplish whatever the answer to #2 is?

Etc. etc. etc.
Bob, I have worked on this issue a lot. The EIS does not record data so you cannot dump it to a file, you have to record it real-time.

I ended up first using "EISMate" to record the data but that used a Palm Tungsten that would delete the program whenever it ran out of battery juice, so I'd have to reload the program. PITA. It recorded the data to an SD card and was helpful.

I then switched to a laptop and "Waiters Flight Data Recorder" which worked really well, except when I forgot to start recording or the laptop ran out of battery power on long flights.

I then worked out a serial data recorder using a little SD card read/write device but got gibberish. I talked to GRT and found out I needed to change the data from serial to TTL logic level signals. I did that and still got gibberish but better gibberish. It came down at that point to needing to decode some digital stream that I did not have the knowledge to do.

I emailed GRT about decoding software, and they directed me to something but that didn't work.

At that point my vacuum pump and DG went FUBAR and I am now installing a Skyview which does not record data BUT will interface with my little SD card writer and outputs ASCI! It that fails the ability to record data is on the "in the works" list at Dynon.

I hope that helps.
I made it work

Here is an outline of what worked so far for me:

I have been able to connect and decode the GRT EIS data stream to a Windows XP computer as follows:

One windows computer with USB port. (I am using Windows XP running under Vmware in a Macbook Pro.

One serial to SB converter. (I am using a model named Magic Control Technologies U232-P9)

One female 25 pin D connector connected to the horizontal connector on the back of the EIS

One female 9 pin D connector to connect directly to the U232-P9

EISlog.exe from GRT avionics software download website

Equipment setup:
Make a cable connecting the 25 pin female plug to the 9 pin female plug.
Pin 11 on the 25 pin D connector to pin 2 on the 9 pin female plug
Pin 5 on the 9 pin female to ground
Pin 1 on the 25 pin connector to ground
Pin 5 on the 25 pin connector to 12V

Software setup:
Plug in the U232-P9
On windows click Start
Click on Control Pannel
Double click on System
Click on the tab that says Hardware
Click on Device Manager
Click on the little + next to Ports (Com & LPT)
Look for an entry that says ?Serial on USB?
Note which Com port it says next to Serial on USB (Mine says Com4)
Close all the windows you opened
Start EIS log
Click on Options (Along the top of the window)
Click on the Com port you noted before. (Mine is com 4)
Watch the data pour into the screen!

Save to a file name you will recognize to a place you know where to find it.

I did all this on my table top. I have not tried it in the cockpit.
This does not record the EFIS info, just the EIS.
I do not know how long this setup will continue to record.

Good Luck,
logging EIS info thru EFIS

I am reviving this old thread instead of starting a new one on this topic.

If you are using a GRT Sport EFIS, which receives and displays information from the EIS 4000, can you download that information from the EFIS instead of trying to collect the data from the EIS directly?
I might as well revive it to.

Has anyone had a problem SAVING the EIS Log entry. I save it, open it back up and it's blank.

I've tried using the Waiters Data Recorder too and that's pretty clunky as well.