
Well Known Member
I am getting pretty close to being done and need to start thinking about getting in touch with a DAR who is either around Bakersfield or is willing to come to Bakersfield. My plane is at KMIT in Shafter. Anyone know a good prospect?
Adam Valdez is in McFarland just a short distance north of Bakersfield and is a Excellent DAR.

The FAA DAR Directory can be downloaded in PDF. Adam can be found under DART (Maintenance section meaning he works out of a FSDO).

His address is according to the above link:

Valdez , Adam
949 Davis Ave
Mc Farland, CA 93250

Phone: (661)391-7631

To deter SPAMMERs, email is typed in here CODED: Zedlav4 <at> RR <DOT> com

Adam has done a lot of RVs in SoCAL.

From Rosie: Hands down... Adam is your man! :D
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I am getting pretty close to being done and need to start thinking about getting in touch with a DAR

Just an idea but here on the east coast, I have always found the Charlotte FSDO guys quick to come out and do an airworthiness inspection. They like to do them, the hassles are minimal, and best part--they're free. Plus, it's their danged job. :) They probably won't come to California, though.

If you get good technical counselor support, you might not need a DAR. In any event, pick your DAR carefully. Some have strange ideas about things. The FAA seems to think you "marry" your DAR and it's tough to get a divorce.