
Well Known Member
Question for those DAR?s out there, or at least someone with some similar experience. This is my second plane to register so I?ve been through this before but have run into a hiccup. I am in Delaware and there is only one DAR listed on the EAA website for this state. ( I know they can do some traveling across zones with only a slightly greater amount of beurocracy.) I had this individual do the inspection on my zenith four years ago, and it went just fine so when I was getting close to bringing the airplane over to the hangar back in October I contacted him to see if he was still in the biz (is guess he was in his mid 70?s back then so it seemed important to double check.) He responded right away and said he was and we exchanged a couple of emails. I told him I was expecting a completion around the beginning of the year and he asked for the n number and told me get back with him as the time came nearer.

FF a couple of months. I sent him an email the week before Christmas saying we were pretty much done and asking to get on the schedule. Didn?t hear back before the holidays, but it?s busy and people travel so no biggie. Didn?t hear back, so last week I hit him up again. Still no reply. Tried calling. Verizon says the call can?t be completed. I?m down to a couple of stickers to apply to the dash before flying this thing, and wonder if he?s left the country, moved south for the winter, or worse. I just started my tailwheel endorsement so it?ll be a few weeks until I?m ready myself so i can give it a little more time, but in the back of my mind I?m wondering: how long do I wait? I?d hate to have a finished plane sit for two or three months before flying because of this. (Just out of curiosity, I called a DAR over in Maryland and his estimated time table is 2-3 months from start to finish, although some of that was due to his age.)

I guess my questions are:
1. How long do I wait? It hasn?t been a month yet from my December email and he could just be on vacation still...
2. Is it a 2-3 month process for every DAR every time? Or
3. With registration in hand is there a way to get this done quickly if I decide to go with someone else after waiting a reasonable period of time?

Thanks for your help!
I travel. Of course it would be considerable travel expense to travel to Delaware.

I have to get approval. Approval is usually no more than 1 or 2 days lead time. Unfortunately no approval until FSDO/MIDO go back to work. I can schedule within 1 to 2 weeks.

I'm sure you can find someone closer. Just one more option.
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No DAR work during government shutdown

Atlanta DARs are not able to do inspections during the shutdown. Don?t know about other offices.
Were in the same neck of the woods and my EAA chpt (571) are all builders so we kinda keep tabs on DARs around. PM me his name and I'll ask our guys if they know anything....