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I received the initial instructions from the DAR I've chosen, which require my signature, notary, etc. Two items jumped out at me that I want to run by you, to see if they are normal... or not.

In a sample Program Letter provided to me by the DAR, he asks me to fill in the blanks and circle Yes or No with the correct information. Then I'm to fax this letter with my Form 8130-6, and other forms, to the FAA. Two questions that raised my eyebrows were:

1) Yes No: The maximum cruising speed of the aircraft does not exceed 180 Knots CAS, reference 14CFR, Part 45.29(b)(iii).

2) I request airworthiness certification and operatiing limitations be issued permitting me to oprate the aircraft within the following geographic area for the flight testing to show compliance with 14CFR, Part 91.319(b)..blah blah blah...After phase I flight test completion, I plan to operate the aircraft under VFR conditions only.

My concerns are, if my memory serves me right, it is well within my expectations of my 180HP, fairly light RV-7 to potentially go beyond 180Kts CAS (i.e. cruise descent). And, I'm pretty sure I'd expect to file IFR and shoot the occasional 'layer-punching' departure and approach.

Is this something I should get wrapped around the axle about?
12 inch numbers...

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I received the initial instructions from the DAR I've chosen, which require my signature, notary, etc. Two items jumped out at me that I want to run by you, to see if they are normal... or not.

In a sample Program Letter provided to me by the DAR, he asks me to fill in the blanks and circle Yes or No with the correct information. Then I'm to fax this letter with my Form 8130-6, and other forms, to the FAA. Two questions that raised my eyebrows were:

1) Yes No: The maximum cruising speed of the aircraft does not exceed 180 Knots CAS, reference 14CFR, Part 45.29(b)(iii).

2) I request airworthiness certification and operatiing limitations be issued permitting me to oprate the aircraft within the following geographic area for the flight testing to show compliance with 14CFR, Part 91.319(b)..blah blah blah...After phase I flight test completion, I plan to operate the aircraft under VFR conditions only.

My concerns are, if my memory serves me right, it is well within my expectations of my 180HP, fairly light RV-7 to potentially go beyond 180Kts CAS (i.e. cruise descent). And, I'm pretty sure I'd expect to file IFR and shoot the occasional 'layer-punching' departure and approach.

Is this something I should get wrapped around the axle about?

Number (1) is just to see if you need 12 inch registration numbers on the plane....

Personally, I wouldn't define "cruise descent" as "maximum cruising speed"....:)

gil A

Hello Clayton. With regards to your questions, the 180 kts has to do with normal cruising speed. Unless you have extensively modified yours, I don't think you need to worry about that. I have not required 12" numbers on any of the RV's I have inspected (I am a DAR).
As for the VFR/IFR, your limitations should read that once phase I is completed, the aircraft is to be operated Day/VFR only unless appropriately equipped for night/IFR flight. Your Phase I testing is required to be day/VFR only.

Vic Syracuse

Thanks for the input guys. It's especially good to hear it straight from DAR's. No worries about it - was just wondering if it was normal language.

For the archives, here's the link to 14CFR, Part 91.319.