
Well Known Member
I haven't seen any other DARs post on this change, so here's the scoop.

A nationwide 'upgrade' to FSDO DAR processes in underway, one FSDO at a time.

One benefit to RV operators is that instead of a separate 8130-7 "pink slip" , the 8130-7 will be printed onto the top of the Operating Limitations in black and white and signed by the DAR.

Language on the old style pink slip and old Operating Lims stated that they were both part of the same document even though they were two different colors and sizes, and that they both must be in the aircraft for legal flight. Many RV'ers lost the Operating Lims, or buyers of completed RVs never realized their importance. A common ramp check finding was that the aircraft did not have Ops Lims on board as required.

So, this new change will help prevent future troubles and is certainly easier for DARs to print.:)
Keep the Pinks

It seems that getting the pink slip has become such a tradition that once I found out we could use the pink slips until they are gone I politely asked the local MIDO for all of their pink stock. They were happy to send it, and I have enough to keep many of you happy for a long time. :)

So, do those getting these as part of their OpLimits have to still display them within view somehow?
Are those of us with traditional pink slips now excused from displaying them?
Still has to be displayed.

That is why I mentioned it can be a bit of a pain because you are not allowed to cut/modify it in any way, but you have to get it folded up to fit in a document pouch located so that it is in view at the entrance to the aircraft.
So, do those getting these as part of their OpLimits have to still display them within view somehow?
Are those of us with traditional pink slips now excused from displaying them?

To be clear, if you receive the new ones with the A/W as part of the document, then the whole thing gets folded up and displayed. With the Pink Slip you can still just keep the Limitations in the aircraft.
But please note: they DO have to be in the aircraft. I still find about 1-2 airplanes per month with NO Operating Limitations to be found. :(

But please note: they DO have to be in the aircraft. I still find about 1-2 airplanes per month with NO Operating Limitations to be found. :(

It sounds like the next bit of progress the FAA could (should) show is to accept "electronic facsimiles" of required documents.

There's an "Acts Interpretation Act" in Australia which says that unless legislation says otherwise, an electronic version of a paper document is legally equivalent to the paper version.

In CASA-land, that means having photos or PDFs of your license, medical, charts, approach plates, etc stashed on your phone or iPad is perfectly acceptable. For private VFR, at least, you technically don't have to fly with any paperwork onboard whatsoever if you have relevant licenses, certificates and other documents stored on your phone.

Call it a fire risk mitigation :)

- mark
It seems that getting the pink slip has become such a tradition that once I found out we could use the pink slips until they are gone I politely asked the local MIDO for all of their pink stock. They were happy to send it, and I have enough to keep many of you happy for a long time. :)

I did exactly the same thing!
It seems that getting the pink slip has become such a tradition that once I found out we could use the pink slips until they are gone I politely asked the local MIDO for all of their pink stock. They were happy to send it, and I have enough to keep many of you happy for a long time. :)

I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum Vic. I couldn't wait to make the change. My old typewriter is running out of ink, and I don't know if I can buy any more cartridges for it. The new certificates I can just fill out on my computer and print them out. Easy Peasy! :)
Pink Slips!

We DARs could laminate one remaining 8130-7 pink slip to use in the hero photo, then hand builders the new version. ;)