
Well Known Member
So I found myself digging through the regs trying to wrap my head around what the FAA expects from a DAR.

Specifically, what is the DAR's authorities when issuing an armature built airworthiness certificate?

I have heard from some respected DAR's of what they do and don't do (because of ethics, safety, so they can sleep good at night....etc.) but I am looking for specific FAA regulation that defines the job description.

DAR-T - Designated Airworthiness Representative-Maintenance/ODAR-T Organizational Designated Airworthiness Representative- Maintenance
General Qualifications.? To qualify for an appointment as a DAR-T, all applicants (including those persons in an ODAR-T who will perform the authorized function(s)) must meet the general qualifications listed below, in addition to having the experience specified in FAA Order 8100.8 latest revision, as appropriate for the particular function for which authorization is being sought:
The applicant must:
1. Be current and possess a thorough working knowledge of pertinent CFR?s, directives, and related guidance material.
2. Possess current technical knowledge and experience commensurate with that required for the particular function (e.g., Boeing Airplane:
Models 707-100, 747SP, etc; Bell Helicopter Models: 47B, 47H, etc.; and/or related parts/components and/or appliances, etc.).
3. Have unquestionable integrity, a cooperative attitude, and the ability to exercise sound judgment.
4. Have the ability to maintain the highest degree of objectivity while performing authorized functions on behalf of the FAA, consistent with
FAA regulations, statutes, and safety goals, notwithstanding any influence to the contrary.
5. Have at least 2 years satisfactory experience working directly in connection with the type work to be covered in the authorized
6. Have a good command of the English language, both oral and written.
7. Hold a valid aviation mechanic certificate with Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) ratings.
Thanks Vern, This is the definition of the personal qualifications for the job if I am reading this correctly.

Anyone know where I can find the definition of the actual "scope of work" or an outline of the duties that the DAR is required to complete when issuing an armature built airworthiness certificate?
FAA Order 8130.2G

Yes. It is spelled out in FAA Order 8130.2G, which is the current order. All of the steps for the certificates are clearly spelled out, and in fact we have to turn in a form 8100-1 which documents the steps were all taken.

Yes. It is spelled out in FAA Order 8130.2G, which is the current order. All of the steps for the certificates are clearly spelled out, and in fact we have to turn in a form 8100-1 which documents the steps were all taken.

Actually current rev is 8130.2H, and 8130.2J is out in preliminary form.