carl nank

Well Known Member
I read the forums and learned at lot about DAR Inspections, but I have a couple of questions:

1. I read FAR 91-205 and found out that an ELT was not required during the flight testing. My reason for waiting is that I did not want to purchase the ELT yet, waiting for the ACK 406,GPS to be released at a more reasonable price. The DAR said that was true but, he would have to come back for a phase two check when the test flight was done. Is this correct?

2. I have a GNS 430W, GNS 327 transponder, Dynon D100 EFIS & D10 EMS. Will there be a problem getting an IFR signoff with this system and will I be required to have a phase two inspection for IFR?

Thanks for your help.
Answer to #1 is totally up to you. I went the low(er) cost 121.5/243 route knowing that this was not going to be satellite monitored. It meets the airworthiness requirements for the inspection (and flight), and I can change it out later. Just one less opportunity for the inspector to question the aircraft. do not get an IFR sign off on the a/c. To fly IFR, the FARs state the minimum equipments that are required. First is VFR day, then VFR night, then the additional equipment for IFR. Your initial Phase I flight testing will prohibit IFR flight, so the initial IFR requirements do not apply, although you will need to verify / validate that if you are going to fly IFR, you are responsible for meeting the requirements. That will include the equipment, functionality, updates, log book entries, etc.