
Well Known Member
I've searched for quite a while but can't find a thread talking about suggestions for things to complete prior to DAR inspection.

What all is required prior to inspection (and first flight)?

Logbooks established
Aircraft has to be in flyable condition with a condition inspection completed and logged.
Pitot static certification
Transponder certification
ELT registration
Aircraft registration
Weight and balance
Fuel flow test

What else should be accomplished prior to the airworthiness inspection?

Maybe we can create a sticky with a good comprehensive list.
I've searched for quite a while but can't find a thread talking about suggestions for things to complete prior to DAR inspection.
What all is required prior to inspection (and first flight)?
Logbooks established "Maintenance Records" Logbook is best method.
Aircraft has to be in flyable condition with a condition inspection completed and logged. Correct! (This inspection is done by the builder, not necessarily an A&P)
Pitot static certification Not required for aircraft certification.
Transponder certification Not required for aircraft certification. (May or may not be required for flight in your specific area)
ELT registration Correct! (Single seat aircraft are exempt)
Aircraft registration Correct!
Weight and balance Correct!
Fuel flow test Correct!
What else should be accomplished prior to the airworthiness inspection?
Engine must have been run on the airframe enough to establish that controls and instruments operate properly and no leaks.
Maybe we can create a sticky with a good comprehensive list.

See above inserts.

Also I do a presentation on this very subject for EAA Chapters willing to pay travel expenses to your meeting. Just did one this week for Chapter 168 in Dallas.
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I've searched for quite a while but can't find a thread talking about suggestions for things to complete prior to DAR inspection.

What all is required prior to inspection (and first flight)?

Logbooks established
Aircraft has to be in flyable condition with a condition inspection completed and logged.
Pitot static certification
Transponder certification
ELT registration
Aircraft registration
Weight and balance
Fuel flow test

What else should be accomplished prior to the airworthiness inspection?

Maybe we can create a sticky with a good comprehensive list.

It is important that you establish communication with your DAR prior to the visit. He will inform you of all the items that need attention and will most likely get a headstart on the paperwork.
I've searched for quite a while but can't find a thread talking about suggestions for things to complete prior to DAR inspection.

What all is required prior to inspection (and first flight)?

Logbooks established
Aircraft has to be in flyable condition with a condition inspection completed and logged.
Pitot static certification
Transponder certification
ELT registration
Aircraft registration
Weight and balance
Fuel flow test

What else should be accomplished prior to the airworthiness inspection?

Maybe we can create a sticky with a good comprehensive list.

I didn't think the transponder & pitot static certifications had to be done prior to DAR inspection, just prior to first flight.
I brought this up a while back, your DAR might might require a compression test of the engine, even if it is new. All inspections required for a annual must be completed before an airworthiness can be granted if you follow all the rules to the letter. Talk to your DAR.

I didn't think the transponder & pitot static certifications had to be done prior to DAR inspection, just prior to first flight.

Pitot Static only required for IFR, which you can't do in phase 1

Transponder only required in class C or B airspace, unless the phase 1 area allows, you are not allowed in those airspace for phase 1 anyways.
Getting back on track here...
Go back and read carefully what Buchanan wrote.
Read it again.
One more time.
Pick your DAR, ask him/her if they will Cert. your aircraft.
A good DAR will explain the process, what the steps are.
Mine also sent me a detailed checklist of everything to do, needed.
He had ALL the paperwork in his hands BEFORE I met him.
After that the rest was easy.

What I learned...
An invoice of the kit is not a bill of sale. Vans makes mistakes too. The OFFICIAL bill of sale was forgotten to be included along with my kit at shipping time. Wasn?t looking for it and didn?t care as I was high on parts and pieces and shiny things in the crate.
The OFFICIAL bill of sale is needed for Aircraft Registration which is needed for the DAR to issue a Airworthiness Certificate.
I use an Agency in OK city to handle the A.R. ($125) 2 days in my hand.
The FAA is over challenged and underfunded. 4-6 weeks.
Van FedEx the B of Sale to OK city at my request, at my expense.
Call your DAR.

An invoice of the kit is not a bill of sale. Vans makes mistakes too. The OFFICIAL bill of sale was forgotten to be included along with my kit at shipping time. Wasn?t looking for it and didn?t care as I was high on parts and pieces and shiny things in the crate.
The OFFICIAL bill of sale is needed for Aircraft Registration which is needed for the DAR to issue a Airworthiness Certificate.

I am pretty sure that an official Bill of Sale has never been sent out in any kit shipped from Van's.
The customer that plans to present the airplane for certification (often not the original purchaser of the kit or kits) has to contact Van's and request the official document. Van's will check their records to confirm the person requesting is the person they have on file as the current kit owner, and will then issue the document.
Pitot Static only required for IFR, which you can't do in phase 1

Transponder only required in class C or B airspace, unless the phase 1 area allows, you are not allowed in those airspace for phase 1 anyways.

I think those are the requirements for flying under those conditions, not for the airworthiness inspection by the DAR. At least it wasn't required for either of my inspections.
I think those are the requirements for flying under those conditions, not for the airworthiness inspection by the DAR. At least it wasn't required for either of my inspections.

That is correct. Transponder certification is a "Flight" requirement. NOT as Airworthiness requirement. See Post 2 of this thread.
An invoice of the kit is not a bill of sale. Vans makes mistakes too. The OFFICIAL bill of sale was forgotten to be included along with my kit at shipping time.

They didn't forget...they don't send it until you request it from them when you're done with the build and ready for certification.
I am pretty sure that an official Bill of Sale has never been sent out in any kit shipped from Van's.
The customer that plans to present the airplane for certification (often not the original purchaser of the kit or kits) has to contact Van's and request the official document. Van's will check their records to confirm the person requesting is the person they have on file as the current kit owner, and will then issue the document.

Well, I can only tell you what the nice lady at Vans told me and after searching thru all my documents and paperwork, had to call her back and have it sent to OK city.
I ordered the entire kit at once (after the emp kit) and she said,
?We put the Bill of Sale in a parts box in the fuselage, did you not get it??
This was 2.5 years ago. I got the parts.
Me no lie, me true hawk. You have eagle doo on face.

Well, I can only tell you what the nice lady at Vans told me and after searching thru all my documents and paperwork, had to call her back and have it sent to OK city.
I ordered the entire kit at once (after the emp kit) and she said,
?We put the Bill of Sale in a parts box in the fuselage, did you not get it??
This was 2.5 years ago. I got the parts.
Me no lie, me true hawk. You have eagle doo on face.


She was probably thinking of the invoice, not the FAA BOS.
Well, I can only tell you what the nice lady at Vans told me and after searching thru all my documents and paperwork, had to call her back and have it sent to OK city.
I ordered the entire kit at once (after the emp kit) and she said,
?We put the Bill of Sale in a parts box in the fuselage, did you not get it??
This was 2.5 years ago. I got the parts.
Me no lie, me true hawk. You have eagle doo on face.


There are a bunch of different nice lady?s that work in the office at Van?s.
It is possible you spoke with one that didn?t know what you meant by bill of sale, and when you called back, you talked with one that did.

And no, no doo on my face. I actually know what thousands of other RV builders have had to do to get their official Bill of Sale.
Well, she was the same lady ?cause she got my B of S to OK city the next day.
Plus, I happen to have a transcript of our calls forward to me by a Russian oligarch vacationing In Oregon.
I say we kill this dog. My point really is I would never have thought I would need a B of S for parts and pieces being assembled. It just did not occur to me. So, when the FAA wanted proof...I see this big red ?PAID IN FULL? stamp on the final invoice and think can?t get no mo proof than that.

To the OP, pick and communicate with your DAR.


Sept, donation check still has not cleared. DR check the bell before the bombers cross the FailSafe point.:eek:
Well, she was the same lady ?cause she got my B of S to OK city the next day.
Plus, I happen to have a transcript of our calls forward to me by a Russian oligarch vacationing In Oregon.
I say we kill this dog. My point really is I would never have thought I would need a B of S for parts and pieces being assembled. It just did not occur to me. So, when the FAA wanted proof...I see this big red ?PAID IN FULL? stamp on the final invoice and think can?t get no mo proof than that.

To the OP, pick and communicate with your DAR.


Sept, donation check still has not cleared. DR check the bell before the bombers cross the FailSafe point.:eek:

Communication is good, but doing research on your own is good, too. I believe EAA still sells the packet to walk you through it, and no doubt the FAA has info on-line, as well.

Because, as you might suspect, any old piece of paper from Joe Schmoe isn't going to cut it as a BOS for the FAA. There's an actual form, 8050-2, that has to be filled out.

The EAA packet was a big help when I did mine, highly recommended. The various required forms and paperwork are all nicely spelled out, and IIRC, they even provided some of the ones you need (could be wrong there, and I know a lot has changed since then...some are now available on-line that were previously only available from FSDO, etc.).
+1 on communicate with your DAR to avoid surprises. I asked mine about transponder certification, he replied, as I expected, not needed for inspection, just before actual flight (I'm within a mode C veil). But the next day he called back, said he had called the FSDO, and some no-nothing there said it was needed now, so I had it done, rather than argue.
Related to the engine run, if you have an EFIS, make sure that all of the appropriate limits are set for green, yellow and red arcs. Also, if you have a specific testing area you should communicate this to your DAR. It may change but can be negotiated. My home base was up against Lake Michigan. I chose a 40-mile radius circle from an airport 25-miles to my west to reduce Phase 1 flights over the cold lake.