
Well Known Member
Hi all--

Yes, I am really getting close to that time! Thought I would start checking around to see if I can find a DAR who will come to Kentucky, does not live at the other end of the planet, and won't empty my bank account!
If anyone has had a DAR come to Kentucky please let me know.
All help is appreciated!!
I Travel!

If you can't find one close, I do travel. Don't think I've done one in Kentucky, but I've done North Carolina, Kansas, and states south and west.
DAR List

I don't remember where I saw it but there is a list of FAA approved DAR's out there. It may be through EAA.

If memory serves correctly, it is broken down by state. Good luck finding but there is one.
Pat Patterson inspected Dana's Black Magic

I believe Pat Patterson inspected Dana's Black Magic RV-7 last year. I heard Pat lives in Waddy, KY outside of Frankfort. If Pat is still doing inspections when my plane is finished thats who I intend to do mine. If not then I'll have to pay Mel to fly up from Texas or catch him on a trip back from Osh.
I believe Pat Patterson inspected Dana's Black Magic RV-7 last year. I heard Pat lives in Waddy, KY outside of Frankfort. If Pat is still doing inspections when my plane is finished thats who I intend to do mine. If not then I'll have to pay Mel to fly up from Texas or catch him on a trip back from Osh.

Yes, Pat inspected Black Magic and being a former RV-7 guy, he knows the airplanes. His phone numbers are 502 829-0113 or 502 639-0092.
I was told that we had to use a DAR from the FSDO that covered a particular state. Or we had to have the approval from that local FSDO to hire someone out of the territorial limits.

Is that true Mel?
Yes, you have to use a DAR that has authorization for a particular geography. DAR's are appointed by the FSDO's (Flight Standards District Office)or the MIDO's (Manufacturing Inspection District Office). The MIDO's tend to have a somehwat larger territory. In my case, I have a 7-state territory.
To perform an inspection outside of your normal geography requires a "geographical expansion" request, which usually gets approved on a case-by-case basis. They can be done, especially if the DAR is familiar with the type of aircraft.


I was told that we had to use a DAR from the FSDO that covered a particular state. Or we had to have the approval from that local FSDO to hire someone out of the territorial limits.

Is that true Mel?
A DAR may go outside his/her area when requested. The only approval needed is from the DAR's FSDO. We had a problem with the San Antonio FSDO refusing to allow DARs from outside their area to come in. We discussed this at the DAR seminars and it was determined that the FSDO may only refuse an outside DAR if they personally want to do the inspection themselves. We got it straightened out. I do inspections all over the US. As a matter of fact, I have 2 scheduled this month in the San Antonio area.
Vic is correct in that we must fill out a "geographic expansion" form 8130-13, but this is a formality to let the local FSDO know that we will be in his area. The local FSDO may send our an inspector to observe, or they may reject the request if they have some reason for wanting to do the inspection themselves.
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Thanks to all who responded. I think Pat Patterson is the closest.
Dana, if you read this, I would like to chat with you about how your inspection went with Pat.


Peter K