
Well Known Member
I'm in NH and so far the only DAR i can find is in Massachusetts and charges $2000 plus travel expenses. This sounds more than the going rate.
Please let me know what is a reasonable fee?
N603NH RV-12 awaiting DAR
Just for reference................

My basic fee for single engine, fixed gear, non-pressurized is $550 + travel, with discounts for Veteran, LEO, and Firefighter.
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I'm in NH and so far the only DAR i can find is in Massachusetts and charges $2000 plus travel expenses. This sounds more than the going rate.
Please let me know what is a reasonable fee?
N603NH RV-12 awaiting DAR

Extremely extreme. Mel’s fee is on the lower side of what I’ve seen.
If you can schedule an FAA inspection, it's free. A buddy of mine was actually able to do this not too long ago.
Jan 2021 I had a DAR fly his Bonanza out to me (30 mins away) to do the inspection. I believe it was $800 plus round-trip fuel. I expect that has gone up to $1000 these days though.
I charge $395 piston; $450 Trubine; $155hr for flight travel in my aircraft; or $.59 per mile and $35 per hour surface travel plus lodging if necessary. Mostly Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Northern California, but travel anywhere on occasion. I was able to issue on "Scrappy" and facilitate Mike getting it to Oshkosh.

I second the recommendation to contact the FAA FSDO office, my inspection was free as well through the Seattle office. Looks like the closest FSDO to you is in Portland, Maine.
Not much help, but I must say as a fellow RV-12 builder from NH, that's discouraging. It's a seller's market, I guess. I see 2 other DARs in the Northeast, though none are particularly close. Are they asking similar fees or even willing to travel here?
Hmmm…ya know…I’d consider detaching the wings, but the whole thing on a flatbed trailer and hauling it to a DAR that wants the job. Obviously there’s a trade off between your own travel expenses, flexibility etc vs the DAR’s. Also the DAR you visit may have to do some paperwork with the FSDO to allow him/her to do an inspection outside their area, but if they’re short staffed they should not object.
$1,200 but no travel fee

The first DAR I contacted quoted $750 but then he was really hard to get in touch with and kept putting me off for weeks at a time. Second DAR couldn't have been more agreeable. Talked to her on a Tuesday and she came out to do the inspection on the following Saturday. Charged $1,200 but no travel time and she lived about an hour away. We met up a week later half way between and exchanged envelopes in a McDonalds parking lot. Must have looked sorta like doing a dope deal.
Unfortunately, there are very few DARs that are able to do E-LSA (142 nationwide today). In fact, even here in NJ, there are NO Function Code 47ers at my MIDO. And even still, they say "we don't do that, you'll need to find a DAR". Thanks guys.

One could argue that since they are providing a government function, the rates should be set by the government [with allowances for travel, etc]. I can't think of any other agency which allows things to operate like this. But.. this is the hand Congress has dealt to us.

It wouldn't be such a bad thing if Van's had an examiner that could fly around the country to do inspections for RVs.. sure, there'd still be a fee involved.. but the value-add is that someone who has seen hundreds of RVs just like your model is looking at your plane and probably can give you extra feedback. But I think essentially that's what people like Vic "Jam Nut" Syracuse, do (though apparently he doesn't have Function Code 47 :( )
The first DAR i had lined up was $600 plus travel from Maine. He like many DARs was a former FAA inspector. He didn't have the E-LSA designation and apllied for it in November. The FAA kept saying it would be approved but when he checked with the FSDO in January they could find no record of his application.
The only way he could inspect for me was as an EAB not a E-LSA.
N603NH awaiting DAR
MIDO Function Code for E-LSA is 61, not 47. Function Codes have changed in recent years.

FSDO Function Code for E-LSA is 157 for airplane, 158 for LTA, and 159 for PPC & W/S.
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and then, after the inspection is done you have to track down an faa inspector for your repairman's cert. i was told a dar can't issue that.
and then, after the inspection is done you have to track down an faa inspector for your repairman's cert. i was told a dar can't issue that.

Since FAA ASIs are working from home, each FSDO handles it differently. My supervisor at the North Texas FSDO does it by email if the applicant has a letter of recommendation from me. Some FSDOs do it by "Zoom".

Allowing DARs to issue repairman certificates has been tossed around for years. Most everyone is FOR the idea until it gets to FAA Washington. At that point it gets shot down.
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Can someone explain the value in requiring the applicant for the inspection certificate obtaining it in person? Who cares who picks up the certificate? Isn’t what’s important that verifying the identity of the person who took the course and passed the exam? For that matter, the entity administering the course and exam could just as well send the passing certificate to the FAA and the mail the certificate to the applicant. What am I missing? How does in-person receipt of the certificate improve the integrity of the process? Inquiring minds want to know.
i was told it is so that the examiner can see a pic id of the applicant , for whatever that is worth.
after seeing what a big deal it was turning into for travel etc. i just said '' pick a place and time by your house and i will be there''.i traveled 150 miles. the actual meeting was over so fast neither of us even unzipped our jackerts.
So, if I sent my friendly A&P to take the course and exam and say they were me, it’s only important that it’s me that picks up the certificate? Must be another devious reason I’m not able to conceive.
So, if I sent my friendly A&P to take the course and exam and say they were me, it’s only important that it’s me that picks up the certificate? Must be another devious reason I’m not able to conceive.

I believe that would come under the heading of Fraud. I don't think that's something you want to do concerning a Federally issued certificate.
Of course it would be fraud, but apparently the FAA is concerned about some kind of fraud to have the in-person issuance requirement. I was just hoping someone had a good explanation for the in-person requirement vs. simply mailing it, that’s all.
Not much help, but I must say as a fellow RV-12 builder from NH, that's discouraging. It's a seller's market, I guess. I see 2 other DARs in the Northeast, though none are particularly close. Are they asking similar fees or even willing to travel here?

I would travel there to help, but I cannot believe there is not a DAR closer that can save you a bunch of $$$?? Give me a call if I can be of assistance. I might be able to check around the area for you to find you a DAR or "browbeat" an FAA ASI to help you out!
Gary (503) 269-3907
Allowing DARs to issue repairman certificates has been tossed around for years. Most everyone is FOR the idea until it gets to FAA Washington. At that point it gets shot down.

My FSDO said they were too busy, hire a DAR. So I did. The DAR explained that he could not issue the limited repairman certificate. A few months later, I make a fsdo appointment for that certificate. And who’s there? My DAR! He was hired by the fsdo and is following another inspector around. He quickly says to his supervisor that he knows me, I built the airplane, correctly answered his questions, etc. Supervisor left to go print out the paperwork. About as close as you can get to having the DAR (but now with a new title) issue the certificate.
The DAR for our plane charged $900 which included his travel time of 3 hours by car. He guided us through the new (at the time) FAA online registration system. His experience and help was very valuable and worth the money we paid. Hope that helps.
so here's the last build was inspected by the faa. while he was there, he issued my repairman's cert. now, years later the same person inspected my 12 but he is now a dar so couldn't issue the repairman's cert.!
The DAR for our plane charged $900 which included his travel time of 3 hours by car. He guided us through the new (at the time) FAA online registration system. His experience and help was very valuable and worth the money we paid. Hope that helps.

very reasonable
my guy wants $2000 plus travel time-3 hours away
DAR needed

I charge $395 piston; $450 Trubine; $155hr for flight travel in my aircraft; or $.59 per mile and $35 per hour surface travel plus lodging if necessary. Mostly Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Northern California, but travel anywhere on occasion. I was able to issue on "Scrappy" and facilitate Mike getting it to Oshkosh.


would you consider doing mine in June? WA state, KTDO
after going through 2 FSDOs I finally found a MIDO to do my inspection
they asked me to upload a program letter from Van's .
I have called Van's and haven't received a call back.
Does anybody know what program latter the FAA needs?
after going through 2 FSDOs I finally found a MIDO to do my inspection
they asked me to upload a program letter from Van's .
I have called Van's and haven't received a call back.
Does anybody know what program latter the FAA needs?

I don't think Van's will send you a program letter. Your MIDO is confused. If you will give me your email, I will send you a copy of the one I use.
after going through 2 FSDOs I finally found a MIDO to do my inspection
they asked me to upload a program letter from Van's .
I have called Van's and haven't received a call back.
Does anybody know what program latter the FAA needs?

I don't think Van's will send you a program letter. Your MIDO is confused. If you will give me your email, I will send you a copy of the one I use.

my email is [email protected]
any help on what to upload to AWC appreciated

I surrendered my DAR when I retired and moved out of Kalifornia back in late 2013 early 2014.

In the past, the program letter could be found in the latest version of AC 20-27.
The present AC has a sample in APPENDIX 13.

To help others, here is a copy of APPENDIX 13 from AC 20-27G.

View attachment AC_20-27G (dragged).pdf

With some computer skills, a user should be able to copy the text from the PDF and paste it into a Word or other word processing document then edit it with their info.
Just another data point from the Detroit area... I found one DAR-T (157) in Indiana and one DAR-F (61) in Ohio, both the same distance from me. The DAR in Indiana quoted $2,350, the one in Ohio - $1,000 plus mileage.