
Legacy Member
Has anyone heard from Dan?

I just checked and can't find a post from him since before the fires.

Sure hope all is ok with him and his wife!
Has anyone heard from Dan? I just checked and can't find a post from him since before the fires. Sure hope all is ok with him and his wife!
I just flew a formation practice with Dan 'Sharpie' Checkoway and others last Sunday so I'm guessing he's just been busy with his day job and also being an FFI Check Pilot, EAA Technical Counselor/Flight Advisor/Workshop Instructor and writer for Kitplanes magazine. :) Rosie
I'm here, thanks. I'm "shedding load" lately and not monitoring the forums. If I'm gonna retire young I need to focus on other things!


You guys know where I'm at if you want to get in touch with me...keep on keepin' on...

Yeah, but wives think "half the money and twice the man."

Time to build another one,
Dan is probably in the garage banging rivets on the -8. Before we know it he will be flying that and donating the -7 to the EAA to put in the museum at OSH.:D
Has anyone heard from Dan?

I just checked and can't find a post from him since before the fires.

Sure hope all is ok with him and his wife!

Flew formation with Dan on Sunday. I bet he is getting like me and not able to keep up with all the posts and have a life outside of the forum. It is impossible to read everything and reply to all posts that you may have something to add. I have to pick the ones to reply to and not comment on everything.
Interesting. At some point, I hope Dan can find time to provide information about his equipment ideas/choices and from time to time, update us on the status of his new project.

Does anyone know if Dan went with the Quick Build this time around? Sam James Cowl?....... I have got to think Dan's goal is to have his 8 be faster than his 7, right?

Guys, pretend I'm not building the -8. It's a project for the sake of a project. It's even lower on my priority list than monitoring VAF (wouldn't have seen this had I not gotten an email notification about it).

All I want to do is change the seating on my RV-7 to tandem. I will have the EXACT SAME SETUP other than that.