
Active Member
A few years back I purchased a low time O-360 for my project. While it sat, my Dad and I thought it would be useful to mount it to an automotive stand. This would allow my Dad to periodically rotate it and move the oil around.

It was removed from the mount to move the project up to Michigan. Yesterday I had the goal of setting the mount up again. Unfortunately, I noted some damage that I'm hoping for some help with. The threaded rod used to mount the engine has scored the sides of the motor mount bolt holes. Each of the 4 holes are scored in some way.

Where do I go from here? What options are there?

If you're planning to mount your engine in a similar fashion, be aware of the potential issues!


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A couple things..

I'm not sure how the long bolts are through the Dynafocals and the engine stand since they are at different angles, BUT, I have seen that type scoring from someone who is mounting their engine and "turns" the mount bolts to pull them through the Dynafocal mounts...when you actually mount your engine, you will see what I mean. Lots of folks that have never mounted a Dynafocal will struggle to get them in. i am not ruling out those were like that when you got it. Have any pictures from before it was on a stand? Probably can just polish them up a bit and move on. If the case was being sent out for inspection/repair, they can fix them, but I don't think that was your plan.
An interesting thread for me, having just removed my engine from its mount for the first time due to the crankshaft AD. I had to follow the same procedure of unscrewing the bolts to release them, and noticed the same issue of the bolt threads carving into the case tabs. I plan to address this with Barrett when the engine is rebuilt and will report the findings here.
Assuming you have checked the mount bolts in the holes for no excess side wobble, I would think that if you applied the proper torque to the Lord mount bolts, it should be ok to continue.
Not as bad as I feared

It sounds like it isn't as monumental as I thought it might be. I still think I'll avoid mounting it the way I had it though.

I don't actually have any photos from before. I suppose there is indeed a slight chance the scoring preceded my ownership. But it's most likely that the threaded rod is the culprit. I'll have to check if there is any play in the bolts before mounting. Hopefully all is fine...

Thanks for the advice everyone!
I don't see how that level of scoring could impact the structural integrity of a casting that thick that is loaded predominantly in compression. It wouldn't bother me and I expect that type of scoring from threads is found on MANY engines. I suspect that many folks run the bolt in with the threads.

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