
Well Known Member
Hi Folks,
Looks like this is the season for posting pictures of trips out to the canyons so this is our record plus some storyline.

We planned to leave on Fri Oct 3 but an approaching (and consolidating) front yelled at us to get going on Thursday. We would either get through a hole or run up to it and get a hotel.


We took off from Asheville (AVL) and started running into buildups in mid Tennesee. We used cockpit weather to make some decisions and flew a few more hrs. I thought we were through it (see picture above) until I zoomed out the screen and saw a huge wall that was impossible to pass. We landed at Texarkana (TXK) and got a hotel. I wrung my hands as the storm downed trees and generally played havoc with the area. No damage although the plane had moved a couple of feet when we returned to the airport in the morning. The TXK tiedowns were the kind that attach to a cable running along the tarmac so the plane really is not fixed solid to the ground.

The next morning (Fri) we continued west for a stop at Abilene for LOE. We had a great time talking with the earlybirds to the fly-in. We left Saturday morning as many more RVs were arriving.

The next airport was Sierra Blanca (SRR), my first high altitude adventure at 6814 ft. A bit nervous but followed the rules and everything was fine. Glad the runways are long. Diane watched and called the EGTs for me on takeoff so I could tweak the mixture a bit on the roll (The run-up setting was slightly lean). Beautiful place nested in a saddle between two mountains.

West of SRR was honestly bleak and boring for 3 hrs. Albuquerque complained about my transponder. It worked everywhere else so I think it was not me. Especially since I have 2 outgoing signals. Xpder and Ads-B.

We finally got to something interesting.


We turned north towards the Grand Canyon and I discovered something I had never heard of: The Strawberry Crater Wilderness Area. Its a group of big volcanic cinder cones. There were groups of foot launch hang gliders playing on them. The pics did not turn out well. Sorry.

Next treat was the Grand Canyon. I flew a route recommended here on VAF (starting at the little Colorado)


We landed at North Las Vegas (LVT), hotel, dinner, next morning snagged our car and went to Hoover Dam for a hat sighting. Get the full tour. The extra stops and stories are great.


The white coloration at the waters edge is from the high watermark from 1983. I think it is funny that they call it the "bathtub ring".


The next day we relaxed by the pool and then went out to the strip for the evening. Diane had never been to Vegas so I had to show her the Bellagio.

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We left Las Vegas the next morning and flew the short hop to Grand Canyon Airport (GCN).
The helicopter traffic was a bit disconcerting since they were all over (and under) the final approach path.
This was my third or forth high altitude landing so I was getting comfortable (you hear something coming right?).

Sure enough, somewhere on final or rollout I pushed in the mixture. As soon as I turned off the runway, the engine died. Flooded. Felt like a fool.
Took a few tries to get it cranked (while the tower is on the radio asking if I need assistance :rolleyes: ) but lesson learned.

By the way, I have seen anti GA comments about CGN. I don't get it. They were great. Did not cost me a cent. I did not even buy gas.
The taxi is run by the park service. 10 bucks each way and good intel from the driver.

Diane took this snapshot in the FBO souvenir store.


I have proof below that it is true. :)


At the south rim with Di.


We passed by a Grand Canyon resident on the way back to the airport.


We jumped in the plane and took a short hop to St George (SGU) which was our gateway to Zion Canyon.

We lucked into an outstanding sunset.

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Zion. Beautiful. I knew about walking the river but we chose to not pack for that. I learned we could have rented gear from an outfitter in Springdale but that knowledge came at the end of the day when we were strolling the town after eating at "The Bit and Spur". Best Chili Relleno I have ever had.

Next time we will do the river.




We disturbed this Zion resident on the way back to our car.

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The intrepid adventurers head out the next morning for Bryce Canyon Airport (BCE). 0.6 hr flight vs 3 hr drive. :)

Highest elevation yet at 7590 ft. I have this sussed. Diane smacks my hand if it gets close to the mixture control. :rolleyes:

She got a kick out of the Bryce Airport Hangar.


Bryce Canyon was beautiful too. We had lunch in a great spot. No other hikers came by while we were snacking. Peaceful.


Here is one of my favorite Bryce images. We took 1100 pictures this trip.
****A TIP****** There are TWO BUSSES to visit Bryce. One goes to Bryce point. Everybody rides that. There is another FREE bus that goes all the way to Rainbow Point. GET ON IT. Its first come first serve and limited. Ask a Ranger how to get on it. The bus driving ranger was a great guide.


We stayed at Rubys Best Western. They have a free airport shuttle. Quaint. Its a motel, huge for handling a lot of people, not a 3 or 4 star but it goes with the territory.
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Next morning we flew to Albuquerque.
Had trouble with those folks again. I could not raise Center for about 100 miles. As I got close to ABQ, I called the tower and they booted some people into action. Rain storms were around but we were able to thread between them and get on the ground.
We went to the balloon show in the afternoon/evening but the weather prevented any real activity.

We got up at 4:30AM and drove back to the show Sat morning. Following pic is of the "Morning Patrol" which is the first few balloons that test the waters before the mass ascension.

Hmmm. I've seen that bloke before. During the mass ascension. It was awesome. All the noise from the burners and the crowds cheering at each liftoff. It was great.

On the way home in the afternoon. Sandia mountain on the left. You can see weather is in our future.
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We flew the rear edge of the front until darkness and then landed for the night at Evansville IN (EVV)
The weather had pushed us north a bit because I did not want to fly in the soup for hrs on end.

The next morning EVV was MVFR and AVL was IFR with some convection in east Tenn.
I filed and we broke out on top at 4000 feet, had a nice flight until Knoxville (TYS) where the convection was.
Fortunately it was mild with tops around 16K. ADS-B is great.


Here is the convection off to our south as we passed TYS

I punched the very top of one cloud (could have gone around) at 15K and got 30 seconds worth of clear ice.
A little disconcerting but short lived.

Home sweet home. Popped out at 400 feet, dead on the ILS like I was on rails. I like the rabbit.

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Thanks Bill

Bill thank you for writing this I enjoy reading it. Nice pictures especially the one from new bridge it's a bit of an altitude.
The Balloon Fiesta is one of my favorite events I hope to get there again. I even went up for a ride thanks to Carl, a NASA engineer and RV6A owner.

Hi Bill meet you and your wife at LOE and you left early and I can see why!!! Thanks for the photos, I have that trip on my bucket list!!
Don short
Good writeup Bill. I am planning a similar trip and am wondering about ground transportation. I assume you rented a car at Zion? What about Bryce Canyon, it sounds like you got by without a car?

Acadia Trip


If you plan an Acadia trip next year, let me know. I can give you some good pointers that maximize the eating and viewing aspects of the trip.

There are a good number of RVers scattered along the New England coast who you can connect with two.

Thanks all.

Vlad, I 've got a ways to go to catch up to you, comrade. :)

Thomas and Don, good to meet you both. Had a great time.

Antony, I'll take your offer when we start planning.

Cars.....that was one of the major planning efforts of the whole trip. Minimizing car rentals as much as possible.
Day 1 - Texarkana. Unexpected stop. FBO found hotel with free shuttle.
Day 2 - Abilene. Chose a hotel from LOE website that had free shuttle.
Day 3 - Taxi from North Las Vegas Apt to hotel. (grumble grumble)
Day 4 - One day rental car for Hoover Dam tour. Turned in late same evening to avoid overnite parking fees.
Day 5 - Walked
Day 6 - Taxi to North Las Vegas Airport (grumble again). Nat'l Park Taxi from GCN to Park and back (happy). Free shuttle from St George airport to hotel.
Day 7 - Morning shuttle back to airport to get 1 day car rental for drive to Zion.
Day 8 - Turned in car in the morning at the St George FBO. Free shuttle from Bryce to hotel. Park bus goes to hotel. No car in Bryce.
Day 9 - Free shuttle to Bryce airport. Pick up one day rental car at FBO in Albuquerque to get to and from Balloon fest.
Day 10 - Turn in rental car after morning balloon fest. Unexpected stop in EVV, FBO finds hotel with free shuttle.
Day 11 - Free shuttle back to EVV and then we drive our own car home from AVL.

So.. I travel a lot for work. I get miles and points and stuff. The planned hotels and cars were free, but I had to spend the points wisely to make that happen. The unexpected hotels wound up being very economical thanks to the local FBOs.
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Great photos!. I particularly enjoyed seeing the hangar at Bryce Canyon. I used to be stationed at Cedar City for the FAA and did relief work at Bryce. There were lots of good barn dances in that wooden structure.

We were put up at Ruby's and I agree that it is--well--serviceable.

In those days a Cessna 150 is one of the planes i flew. Quite an adventure in the summer at the 7,600' BCE elevation.