
Well Known Member
Just returned from Dallas in my HR2 with Safe Air1 aux tip tanks (5.5 gal per tip, 54 gallons total). Forecast winds at 9500' were 300/30-40knots so I filled up in Mesquite ($3.90/gal) climbed to 9500' and put FD33 on the nose (800nm). I set 20"/2350 (35 advance on the Rose Ignition) showing 10.8 gph. Initial ground speed was 215 Knots but increased to 230 over Pensacola where I still showed 25 gallons of gas aboard! 3+47 later I was parked in my driveway still showing 8.8 gallons on board!

Gotta love the Rocket!!!

Last year going down to S-n-F I caught a day with strong tailwinds and completed the trip from Indy to Lakeland (727 nm) non-stop in 2:45 and still had ten gallons in the tanks when I landed.

Also this past fall, I flew from Austin to Indy (777 nm) and did it non-stop with 5 gal remaining.

I just love the range of my Rocket (as long as I remember to bring a P bottle with me!):D


You guys are stirrin' the pot now!!:D

I'm A) Gonna get divorced if I get a Rocket, or

B) Gonna be in deep doo....sheesh..and I get excited when I see 238 MPH gs in my 6

Gotta love 'em,
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Last year going down to S-n-F I caught a day with strong tailwinds and completed the trip from Indy to Lakeland (727 nm) non-stop in 2:45 and still had ten gallons in the tanks when I landed.

That was a great trip for me also. If I remember right I pulled the throttle back on my 9A to slow down for a buddy I was traveling with and was burning 8 GPH doing 220 ground speed. What a day.

I really can not be any happier with my machine. I'm sure that with the flying you do that you can appreciate the power on hand when you want to use it.

Next time I'm down your way I'll drop you a line to stop by and say hi.
Please do..

.....stop by. I'm starting to spray a little wheat now but hopefully will be able to take Friday off for a quickie day trip to Sun 'n Fun.

BTW, I found $3.80 gas at AMG (Alma, Ga) today and also Metter (MHP) has self serve gas under $4. For you guys coming in from further West, Bainbridge, Ga and Waycross have good prices too.

Dust Off...

Amen on the pittle pack (pee bottle)! Don't forget to dust off the Swamp (FD33) and stop by if you travel to SNF...I'll be here!

Larry, 175 knots in a 9A? Must have been running on Nebraska corn squeezin's!

Pierre, I know of a Rocket for sale in UT...hint hint...:) I'll even help you move out!


"You can never have too much power, just not enough airplane..."
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San Antonio to Bahamas

Last week we flew the 8 to the Bahamas. 1450nm, 6.9hours, 174 knot TAS,
8.2 GPH LOP, 9500 msl, 210-220 knot ground speeds. Average 210 knot ground speed. We did it with two stops due to questionable ceiling forcasts in Florida and wanted plenty of fuel before leaving the US. Could have easily been done on one stop.

Going home. 1300 nm, 7.6hours, 180-182 knot TAS, 10-10.5 GPH, 6500-8500msl, 160-190 knot ground speed. Still averaged better than 170 knots. We had two fuel stops and one non fuel with Fort Pierce Customs. Fuel in Governors Harbor Bahamas MYEM was $5.60 and Fort Pierce KFPR $5.40-SS. The return could have been done on less fuel with slightly less speed, but sometimes you just do not care.

It does not take a ROCKET to be fast and efficient.

George Meketa RV8
200 HP IO360, CS, 898 hours
No Substitute...

No argument sir, you don't need a Rocket to be fast and efficient. The 8 is a very good, fast, efficient airplane. Not as fun as the RV4 or as pretty, not as fast as a Lancair 360 with the same engine, but a good airplane. However comma, since this is the ROCKET forum I can extoll it's virtues a bit... The Rocket is an awesome, very powerful, very fast, very efficient airplane. It can land on my 1800 ft grass strip, climb 3000 fpm on takeoff, yet burn 11 gph at 195 knots TAS and is pretty! Having flown many different -8's and 1500 hours in my RV4, there is NO comparison, the Rocket hands down flies and performs better, and is more fun in my humble opinion:). If you're going to dump 100+ grand, why not get more power and a stronger airframe? BTW, my long range cruise numbers are at 45-55% power.

The Rocket was the reason Van built the RV8, not the reverse. Come ride with me sometime, I think you'll agree...

Rob Ray
F16, RV4ormerly
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Hello Folks,
My name is Russel McNeil. I am a 42 critical care nurse and real estate agent. Can anyone tell me if there are any F1 builders in or around Charleston South Carolina? I had heard that there was someone building one in Ridgeland South Carolina and also one in Fort Mill North Carolina. I would enjoy talking with and meeting someone that actually has or is building an F1. I spend hrs on these websites that you all have.....Your all just great.. Thank you so much

....there is one in Ridgeland, S.C. owned by Mr, Lee Logan....a great guy and recent organizer of the Race to Ridgeland (dot .com) without an engine yet but otherwise complete. I'll PM you his phone # shortly,
