
Well Known Member
Hi Everyone!!!!
Well yesterday at KFWQ my RV-8 took to the air!!! Wow what can I say, I need to Thank so many people but first is God, my wife, and Tom Emery..I could not have done it with out you Tom. Also I need to Thank Alex D. for the awesome transition training and Larry O'keefe and Gary Jasper for the refresher flights.I also want to thank Dave at Rivet head aero for the amazing silver bullet steering link and for all his custom work.
Now for the flight....
After all the preflights were done I saddled up and taxied out after a smooth runup I took the center line.. now I had never flown a RV solo before let alone my fire breathing 0-360 c/s 8 :D , the word sling shot comes to mind to describe the take off... before I could get all the throttle in I was in the air, All I could think was WOW I am flying, I looked down at the D-100 and it said 1850 something FPM climb and I thought wow that seems kinda low and I looked at my airspeed and I was doing 150 indicated!!!
But it got even better!!.. once I hit 3500' I set up my race track above the airport and set the power at 25 squared.. and would you believe it but I was seeing from the high 150kts to 165kts indicated and was seeing 168 to 172kts TAS!!!!!!! I even saw the GPS as high as 175kts!!!! She flew the ball right in the center and only a slight heavy left wing.. so I flew above the airport for about 30min and then slowed the ship down dropped some flaps and flew around at 70kts for a little bit and then brought her down in the pattern and had a wonderful wheel landing(I even have the video to prove it :D ) taxied off the runway and all I could think to do was shout and whoop and wave my arms like a goof ball :p . Besides getting married and having my son this was by far the most amazing thing I have ever done.
So sorry for my long winded rambling but in case you can't tell I am on cloud nine!!!
Thanks for taking the time to join in on my amazing weekend!!!!

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Congrats Kirk

Hey Kirk, congratulations on the first flight. You really helped me out a few
years ago by letting the guy doing my graphics use your plane as a template.
glad you are finally flying. I've been flying mine for two plus years (200 hrs),
and still feel that same thrill every time I take off ! You're gonna love it !!
ENJOY........ Mark Cigal N617MC

love to hear thet sincere Enthusiasm. sound like you had a awesome day. thanks for sharing with us. helps keeps me focused ;)
Congratulations Kirk.
You'll enjoy your new bird for years to come. And by the way the first landing that you made, will probably be one of the best you will ever make in it. Have fun.


Sweet Kirk. Its so cool to hear about first flights: it gives the rest of us still building some incentive...

Thanks Guys!!

Thank You Guys for all the kind words, Mahlon you guys built a awesome engine!!!!
The funny thing, my face is starting to hurt from all the grining I have been doing :D

Big back slap, Kirk and a job well done. One thing though; the best is yet to come!! :p Oh, you do have your priorities in thankfulness in the correct order as well!
Blue skies and tailwinds,

Post the video. ....i'm still jelous. Way to GO!!! Now you fly down to West PALM BEACH, FL and give a ride. :D

...hey it's another reason to fly right?

KirkGrovesRV8 said:
Hi Everyone!!!!
Well yesterday at KFWQ my RV-8 took to the air!!! Wow what can I say,

Congrats on completing the airplane and flying it, Kirk. You've crossed that invisible threshold of guys and gals who have done it.

Your 8, just as is, is beautiful. It has become my favorite airplane and if ever there is another one for me, that will be it.

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Queen of the Ball

Congratulations Kirk! Your pirep was terrific reading. Dakota Queen is already a beautiful showstopper. I keep vacillating between building an 8 or 8A or an 8 or an 8A.....but for the moment by golly, she'll be dressed as an 8 for her coming out party. Thanks for sharing.
Eyewitness Report

Every so often, the planets align.

The build process was exceptionally clean. The FAA inspection was squawk-free without a single issue.

Despite forecasted CAVU, the morning dawned to 0/0 soup. Running her up one last time before the maiden, even the old-timers reflexively turn heads toward uncommon smoothness.

She was talking, telling us she was ready to go.

The fog burned off. By 3:00 the clouds parted above the airport knowing an angel wanted to fly. A kindly-offered recon flight in an RV6 brought the long-awaited thumbs-up.

Looking as if they'd been flying for 1000 hours together, Kirk and DQ effortlessly slipped the surly bonds and drew velvet circles for 1/2 hour. She's quick even without her pants on. She ran cool and clean. The landing was absolutely Bob-Hoover perfect.

It does not get any better than this.
more inspiration!!

congrats,,,, you're an inspiration to those of us still/starting to build..


Congratulations on a well-deserved accomplishment. I'm approaching the third anniversity of that first RV8 flight and I still remember the feeling.

The first comparison that came to mind was the feeling of being on a runaway horse at the opening gate.

Here's to many more happy hours in the DQ.

It is a thrill. People will be amazed that you are flying a plane that you built. It is a great feeling to see the wonder on their faces. Enjoy. :D
Great news!


Congrats on your first flight! Let's hear more good things about your flying machine.
Boy ....Bill if I could type faster I could talk all night about how great that first flight was :D . You know people always say "it's worth it" or "keep pounding those rivets" but man I tell you its soooooo much more than just a airplane or a first flight, it really is a dream come true.. It really hit me when I was up there and circling the airport the engine humming my feet on the floor and the plane just performing perfect, I looked out on the right wing and read a message my wife wrote on the tank that said "I love Kirk and Dakota Queen" and all I could do was smile and from that moment on I knew it was going to be a great flight :) She wrote that message over a year ago and what seems like a million rivets and a bunch of bolts washers and nuts ago. I guess what I am trying to say in a weird way it is not just a plane, its not just a project it was almost four years of work and 24 years of dreaming coming true.
Any way I really really appreciated reading travel stories and flying tails while I was stuck working on the wings or frustrated when I could not figure out how to build the easiest part of the plane to build(flaps :p ) so if anyone cares to read it I will keep everyone informed on how my phase 1 goes and all the adventures Dakota Queen and I get into :D

By the way the little note my wife wrote will stay there until she gets painted..... :)
KirkGrovesRV8 said:
By the way the little note my wife wrote will stay there until she gets painted..... :)

Are you really going to paint your wife!?

Sorry, I had to take it.

Seriously Kirk, its great to hear about your machine! I can't wait to join you,


Congrats Kirk!!! Excellent first flight write up. It has definitely inspired me to keep pounding rivets on my -8. I can't wait to see the "Dakota Queen" painted. With a name like that I'm sure it will be special.
Thanks for sharing Kirk! Your enthusiasm almost made me a bit misty eyed. It just makes me look forward to my own flight that much more.

Dakota Queen's First Flight!!


Absolutely amazing! I remember when you and I were both builders talking at one of those WAM's and you were lamenting the amount of time it was taking you. Well, you did it!! Congratulations!

How much of a restriction zone did they give you? How do you like your side panels?

Jon Weiswasser
Montclair, NJ
Thanks Jon!!
The Feds gave me 40hrs and 40miles from KFWQ ..But.. they did tell me if I get 15-20hrs on her they would give me a ferry permit to take it to my home airport. :D
I absolutely LOVE the side panels, they place the throttle in the perfect place so my hand just naturally falls right on them.
Jon some nice weekend you should fly out and check her(DQ) out I will even buy lunch!!! :)
Congrats!!! :)
I bet working with Tom Emery was a blast, too.
Any pics of the side panels / throttle? Keep us posted with the flight reports ... pics are good, too!!

Misty eyed rivit pounder

Kirk , I'm really happy for you. I really did get a little misty eyed reading your last entry. Your story has given me my biggest boost in a long time. God I can't wait till I can write a letter like yours about my first flight. Someday... Stay tuned.
Tom Norwood
Upstate NY
RV-6A N822PM (res)
Pounding a little faster.