
Well Known Member
Hi Guys and Gals! :)
To those who are interested I just wanted to give a little update on my sweetie "DQ" :D
Well she has 6 hrs on her now, and my first impressions were right on!!! She is one sweet bird. All the temps have stayed nice and cool and I have been running her hard. And at 6500' today running WOT at 2500rpm I was seeing a consistent 174kts TAS and I saw ground speeds as high as 195KTS!!!!!!!. Now I am sorry I am not a test pilot so I don't know how accurate these numbers are, but as a regular smuck who loves airplanes and is totally in love with this airplane, I will never be able to go back to 90kts in the citabria :p .
So any way I think the nice cool temps and nice high speeds are in big part to the carbon plenum I have. The only hiccup so far has been my AF-2500 engine monitor went a little nuts on me today, I was flying along nice and happy and the AF-2500 started telling me my oil temp was 303deg well I knew that was not right so I put her on the ground and placed a call to Advanced Flight and within 20 min the problem was solved :D turns out the brain box does not like to have aluminum chips in it, so a quick cleaning and a couple shots of air and all was well.
Other than that I am still working as hard as I can so I can have as much time off as I can to fly.
Sorry if this was a lame six hour report :p but to those who have flown you know how it feels to those yet to fly keep going your going to love it!!!