
Well Known Member
Hi Everyone!!
I just thought I would give everyone a little update on things, so here goes..
1. This plane is amazing!! I have not had any real issues to deal with so far, the worst being trying to seal the back of the canopy ;)
2. Landings have been going really well, this really is a sweet plane to land now I will state that I still am cautious about the wind that I fly in but I have had her out in 10kt cross winds and she handles it like a real lady :D
3. The Mattituck TMX-360 is running GREAT, those guys know how to build good ones It stopped using oil after about 18hrs and is one smooth and comfortable engine, powerful too(more on this later) :D
4. I am very satisfied with my panel choices, the AF-2500 is a great engine monitor, and the D-100 Dynon is a great product, the Garmin radio and transponder are great, and I am soooooo very happy with the custom throttle and switch panel set up by Dave C from rivetheadaero(the silver bullet fella which by the way I have and love)
Now the good Part SPEED!!!
I have been enjoying the heck out of flying this girl so I have not worried to much about fairings yet. But I decided today was the day to stick wheel pants on. And all I can say is I was very very surprised at the results.
Now I am not any kind of super test pilot but I tried to duplicate power and altitude as well as headings(I even kept the same amount of change in my pockets :D )
And flew a four heading test run letting each run go for 10min with hands off trim. And as best I can tell...... All speeds where off the GPS
Before wheel Pants

With Wheel Pants
Now this was at a DA of 8000' WOT and 2500RPM at 80ROP, TMX-360 engine and a 72" Blended Airfoil prop.
So needles to say I am tickled pink, I still need to install the lower intersection fairings. But I don't know if they will add much, even if they don't am am really happy with 188kts top end :D
So any way I am having the time of my life with this plane and just wanted to share a little of it with you guys and gals
All the best!!
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Way to go Kirk! Your airplane is gorgeous. I can't wait to be flying mine. Have fun and keep us posted, it sure helps for inspiration when I go out to my cold garage and pound rivets.