
Well Known Member
Hey fellas:D
Just wanted to let you Texans know, a Yankee is going to intrude into your airspace next week.
Finally after 2 1/2 yrs and 300hrs I am dropping the 8 of at Gradys for paint next week, I am crossing my fingers but weather and the good Lord allowing I plan to be at 52F Wed afternoon.
Hope to say hello to some of the locals:)
Hey fellas:D
Just wanted to let you Texans know, a Yankee is going to intrude into your airspace next week.

I'm sorry Kirk but we don't allow Yankees into our airspace. You will likely be met at the Oklahoma border (our definition of North) by a gaggle of RVs, flying a nice tight formation no doubt. You've probably heard the WWII adage .. "Beware of the RV in the sun" .. or something like that. So watch your six.

Should you make it through -- which could only happen because the "boys" are arguing over the merits of the overhead break or otherwise solving our national debt crisis -- then we'll just have to convert you to a Texan. Bring a hat, a big one.

Have a nice flight. ;)

HA HA Thanks Chris
If it helps I do have a brother living in Burleson and did grow up riding and roping( team roping) ...(huh I wonder any other ropers here??)
Anyway I will act like a Texan and say ...The more Rvs sent up after me the more I can shoot down:D
Que Lyle Lovett:

"Oooh, That's right, you're not from Texas
That's right, you're not from Texas
That's right, you're not from Texas
Texas wants you anyway."

TODR, who is not from Texas, but lives here anyway
Heck, I'm from Chicago LOL!!

What's your plan for your day here? Lunch is a given!


Hey Joe,
As of now I am hoping to arrive sometime on Wed, and I will be staying until Sunday. I am going to visit with my brother and enjoy the Texas winter:D
And yes Jay I am mighty excited to have Grady paint my 8 I am really excited to see it done
HA HA Thanks Chris
If it helps I do have a brother living in Burleson and did grow up riding and roping( team roping) ...(huh I wonder any other ropers here??)

Do you really need all your fingers & thumbs to fly an RV.:D

I would suggest a BRIGHT orange & black, or Crimson & Cream paint scheme so those Texicans know when you cross the border.:eek:

Shannon Evans
Which Wed?

Hey Kirk,

Are you talking about today Wed or next Wed? If it's today, what is your tail number and I'll listen up for your arrival. I am out here working on my 7A all day, so I'll definately meet you for lunch.

Gary Bricker

If you are here on the 10th with nothing to do. Chapter 183 meets @ 10 AM and we have 20+ RV folks here @ Granbury 0TX1. West of Burleson about a hour.
Hey Kirk,

Are you talking about today Wed or next Wed? If it's today, what is your tail number and I'll listen up for your arrival. I am out here working on my 7A all day, so I'll definately meet you for lunch.


Hey Mike,
No I am going be there next wed the 7th
Wish me Luck

Well guys wish me luck I am heading out tomorrow am (hopefully) to deliver my 8 to Grady. Looks like I am going the long way around:D, due to weather I am heading south to Spartanburg,SC area and then hanging a right with a stop at KGNF Grenada,MS and then on in to 52F. I am looking at some howling winds leaving here, and the possibility of some bumps:)
But I am very excited to be finally getting Dakota Queen Painted, so Doug if you head to KS I am hoping to be arriving at 52F sometime around 4:30-5pm I hope I get to say Hello:D
Hi Kirk,
Be careful buddy......with our without the wind the wx doesn't look real good from Smoketown tomorrow. Call me a sissy but I'd wait 24hrs and leave Friday.....looks like clear sailin' :rolleyes:.

Lookin' forward to seeing your new paint job!

Well guys wish me luck I am heading out tomorrow am (hopefully) to deliver my 8 to Grady. Looks like I am going the long way around:D, due to weather I am heading south to Spartanburg,SC area and then hanging a right with a stop at KGNF Grenada,MS and then on in to 52F. I am looking at some howling winds leaving here, and the possibility of some bumps:)
But I am very excited to be finally getting Dakota Queen Painted, so Doug if you head to KS I am hoping to be arriving at 52F sometime around 4:30-5pm I hope I get to say Hello:D
Don't worry Rick
I am a big sissy too:)
I am going to see how it looks as of my last phone conversation with FS it should be VFR mid morning but I have no problem waiting till friday.
I will let you know how it plays out
I waited two days to get my plane to
the painter and all I had to do was
cross Indiana in February.

God speed,
Good luck, I'll check in on the Queen when I deliver mine for paint at GLO by 1 Feb.
Hey guys!!
Well it took 8.6hrs but we made it to 52F safe and sound today. I ended up going to Greenville,sc then across Ga and Al to Grenada,Ms and then into 52F, at times my ground speed was down to 126kts:(
But I made it and before I even got out of the plane Brandon from Glo was there to meet me:)
So I can't wait to see the finished product :)
I'll bet those Texans are glad to see you :D.

Glad to see you had a safe trip.

If you're coming by my place (PKB) on the way home please stop in so we can pick mean.....'admire' your new paint job :D!

Hey guys!!
Well it took 8.6hrs but we made it to 52F safe and sound today. I ended up going to Greenville,sc then across Ga and Al to Grenada,Ms and then into 52F, at times my ground speed was down to 126kts:(
But I made it and before I even got out of the plane Brandon from Glo was there to meet me:)
So I can't wait to see the finished product :)
Glad to hear you arrived O.K.

I hope Doug will keep us all updated
with some pics when progress dictates.

I also think the time will go fast waiting for your
bird to be finished. The weather now and forecast
for Ohio next week is bad. Ice, snow and below
zero late next week. {:-(

See you in the spring,
Glad to hear

Hey Kirk,

Glad to hear that Queeny is getting her new paint, and that you made it there safely. Can't wait to see her when you get home!