
Well Known Member
Hi everyone!
Just thought I would do two things
1st. Plug Hartzell big time
2nd. Tell you guys (whether you want to hear it or not :D ) about a great day trip!
I have for the last couple of weeks trying to get out to Hartzell(I17) to have my prop balanced and today was finally the day I got it done. I just want to take a minute and praise the folks at Hartzell's service center, they were great I had to reschedule twice and even today was a last minute type affairs. But they fit me in and took great care with us.
Dakota Queen and I launched from S37 just before noon today and ducked and weaved our way thru some puffy CB clouds for the first 60nm of the trip and just when I thought "maybe I should rethink this" the sky opened up to cavu and we dropped the hammer We were making 186kts heading west at WOT and 2500rpm at 4500' (although we were burning gas :D ) and made it to I17 right at 1:45pm(beautiful airport by the way), I was met with a nice fellow from Hartzell waving me into their big hangar and within 5 mins they were helping me take the cowling off and getting to business.
I should mention that a line of pretty good thunder boomers were working their way towards us by this time, anyway we ran the prop and it was .24 as is, after just two more runs they had it down to .015. Then the two guys from Hartzell jumped right in and helped get the plenum and the cowling all buttoned up and even pushed the plane over to the fuel pumps for me!
They really went way above and beyond for me today to help me get going before the storms hit. Not only do they build the best props(IMHO) their customer service is great!
So Dakota Queen and I launched off from Hartzell got the spinner pointing east and kicked it home, it was kinda neat going around Columbus I was talking with approach and they called out a regional jet to me as well as told the RJ pilot about me, about two seconds later I see a RJ pass about a mile behind me going from left to right :eek: I was glad I had the tailwind pushing me along at 200KTS I only beat him to the crossing by a mile :D But at least I can now say I outran a RJ :D
Anyway the rest of the flight home was great and I did notice a big difference in the smoothness of my 8 ...Way to go Mattituck and Hartzell!!!
Sorry for the long post it was just a great day!!