
Well Known Member
It seems like some of you are monitoring NTSB reports on a daily basis and it also seems that some of these haven't even been published on the NTSB's monthly page yet.

Where is everyone getting these daily updates in a timely manner? I hate waiting 2 weeks to check back with the NTSB monthly page for some type of posting.

First place I go every morning.

One Monday morning I called it up and saw an "N" number that looked awfully familiar. I pulled my files and sure enough the number belonged to a powered parachute that I was scheduled to inspect for airworthiness that week.

He had NOT had the best of weekends!
I tried your link Bob, and it got me a "Page not found", but I bet you were pointing at the same place I go every morning:

If you really want to get an idea of what things are likely to cause you to come to grief, this is a really worthwhile place to spend five minutes each morning.


right you are. Sorry about the bum link. I always add target="_blank" to all links when I write my blog so it opens a new window. I keep forgetting that Doug's software does that automatically.