
Well Known Member
my father of 93 has taken his last flight. he was my favorite companion in flight. he would always be there to go to new places. i took him to osh in 04 and 05 in my RV and we ended up purchasing a R-44 which turned out to be an incredible experience for both of us. unable to get in the RV the helo was like magic to him. commuting him from our factory to home he alway marveled at the joy of flight. you can read about this amazing man who touched so many people. he will be missed.

Ed, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of your dad. After reading the obituary, I think it is safe to say that he lived a full life, a model for all of us.
Ed, I'm so sorry.

We're keeping your family in our prayers. A life very well lived! What a great role model.
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I'm saddened to hear about the loss of your Dad but am glad that I had the chance to meet and visit with him. To have him in your life all these years was truly a blessing (I lost my Dad at age 23). Hugs to you and Kim, Rosie
Ed, sorry to hear the news on your Dad. What a very nicely written obituary. It very nice to see your Dad earned every bit of what he enjoyed.


Very sorry for your loss. As Rosie said, at least you had a long and rewarding time with your Dad. Like Rosie, I lost my Dad at age 23 and I think about him daily.
Not his final flight. Mom and Dad still go with me everywhere, even though no one else sees them. My condolences on your loss.
Ed, heartfelt condolences on the passing of your father. What a great life he had. Reading about him, I now have a better understanding of where you get your joy for life!
Ed, I am sorry for your loss. My Dad and I learned to fly together in 1968. I lost him in 1999, and still miss him every day. He is not truly gone, as he lives in my heart and soul. Stay strong.
You must be real proud of your dad Ed, sounds like he was a great guy. That empty feeling will never go away I am sorry to say but it will get easier to bear over time. I am really sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.
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Your Father was the model of life well lived

You are obviously and justifiably proud of him - a man among men. I'm sure your head will be held high this Saturday as he finally does rest in peace.

Bob Axsom
Accept my condolences Ed. I remember the story you told me how your dad and you were racing boats to Bermuda. Life to remember. Wish I met him.
What a man, Ed! Your dad's obituary reads like the "what's your job" thread on VAF right now--accomplishment after accomplishment--except in his case, they were all one man. His parents were right, he certainly "died with his bootstraps on." Would that we all will live such a laudable life.

Sorry for your loss, Ed. Sounds like your dad lived a great life shared with those he loved.
Your father's obituary tells the tale of a great man. He lived his dreams, and obviously never gave up.

I'm sorry for your loss.
Ed, I'm very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing his life story with us. He is an amazing person.
Turbo, I am so sorry for your loss. I know that the fruit didn't fall far from the tree. Seems like dad was a really great guy! Sorry that I could never have met the man. I know how you feel.

:( CJ
Your Dad,

Ed, Sorry for your loss. Sounds like you guys had a great relationship and he had a full and wonderful life. Our family prayers are with you and yours.
Turbo, Sorry to hear about your father. 93 is a good run, but it is never easy. Condolences to you and your family.


Most of us would be happy to have lived a life filled with half of the accomplishments your father experienced. Quite a man! You must be a proud son.
thank you all for your thoughts. he really was a part of the RV family. a student pilot, he enjoyed flying my plane back when he could get in and had enough of his eyesight. one of my favorite flying memories with him, flying to oshkosh. enjoy your family.
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Ed, I'm so very sorry for your loss. It sounds like a lot of other people will be missing him as well. What a great man he was. Reading his obit, it is obvious he loved life, family and the important things.

Like others, I see where you get your enthusiasm and love of life.

I'm in Ohio bringing my 87 year-old mother back to warmer weather but I will see you soon.

Your Florida "West Coast" connection,
