
Well Known Member
What to do on a spring day, when it's clear and a million, you have a "stolen" gallon of smoke oil, an RV8 high performance aerobatic sport plane, and a beautiful 17 yr. old daughter! She said, "Dad, can we go flying?" This was my answer!


This video was made with my Kodak ZI8 HD video camera. It has an audio input jack that is piped into my "Standard Vans" Flightcom 403 intercom.
The music was coming from the XM radio in the Garmin 496. The camera was mounted via 2 "Ram" ball mounts. One ball attached to the instrument panel, the other ball has a 1/4-28 stud that was screwed into the bottom of the camera. The bottom of the camera was level with the top of the panel and about a 1/2 inch away from the panel. I was trying to stay out of the picture as much as possible! Sorry for the closeups of me and my nose.

I was getting really tired of of seeing Pete Howell and Doug Reeves posting all the fun with their daughters!:D So I had to do something!
Very cool video, it was great seeing your daughter have so much fun. I hope to have the same fun with my girls (ages 8 and 6) when my -8 is finished.
Great video Jon. I thought the best bit is when your daughter checked to make sure her cheeks were where they should be after pulling g at the bottom of the loop.

A few years ago I was with my daughter in Le Touquet in France. I had flown her there for a birthday treat. Me being the dipstick I am forgot about the clocks being an hour advanced in France and when we turned up to fly back to the UK the airport was closed. Had to spend the night in Le Touquet. I was grateful for the error as it meant extra quality time with my daughter. To this day we both laugh about this.
Very Cool--

I just did the first flight of my 8 a week ago, and my 5 year old boy told me to do an aileron roll after I took off(I didn't). He is excited to have a plane that will fly upside down!!!
What a Moment!!

A day that neither of you will forget!. Your daughter is a indeed a beautiful young lady, and what a great sense of adventure!
Wishing you many more opportunities to hear her giggle with delight in the back of your -8
Way Cool...

That is a way cool video.

I wonder, though, about all the times I heard a little voice saying "stall, stall, stall". It seemed like it might have happened on nearly half the maneuvers. Is that normal? What instrument was providing the warning? Is it something to worry about? I ask as someone who has never flown any kind of advanced maneuvers -- just want to know.
Stall, Stall

The Dynon EFIS was warning that the angle of attack was approaching a stall at the top of the loop.
Karaoke Mode

Great video! Your daughter has a great attitude! You need Karaoke Mode so you can talk without the music cutting out.

Great video! Your daughter has a great attitude! You need Karaoke Mode so you can talk without the music cutting out.


I'll have to look in the Flightcom manual and see if the "dip" switches allow that. Seems like I remember something about the music not being muted setting.

I posted the video on my Facebook page also, and Facebook will kick your video off if they recognize copyrighted music on the audio track. I think you can have up to 30 seconds of copyrighted music without infringement. I think you-tube does the same thing. Vimeo, however doesn't seem to. So, I posted the video to Vimeo. I wish I could figure out how to get permission from Tom Petty, for my RV building video, so it could be on my Facebook page. I would hate to have to change that audio track!
I do believe I saw a RV grin or three in there---------Vans needs to use this for one of their ads.
Very nice!

That video sure did put a smile on my face too! Good work!

This is a video which shows in a really nice way why we keep on pounding them rivets year after year... ;)

Hope both of you will have lots of RV-fun in the years to come!
And maybe one day, she will start building a RV for herself... who knows...:)
Wow great video!! It was a great escape for a few minutes here in the office, and reminds me why i'm working (money for the aluminum fund!!!)
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What a cutie, Jon! Looked like she was really enjoying herself. And she didn't hurl. :D

Of our three, the eldest was the biggest chicken and didn't ask to go flying very often. To this day, she falsely accuses me of deliberately rolling the plane when she expressly demanded that I not. However, once I eventually fly down to Indy to visit her, she'll likely go for a ride.

Our son always jumped on any chance to go flying, even if his stomach wasn't too fond of anything not remotely straight and level. He was my second passenger in the RV.

And our littlest, who routinely would grab the yoke as soon as the wheels broke ground and would firmly declare, "OK, MY PLANE!" -- and LOVED every unusual attitude that my little Yankee could find itself in -- has already said that she'll NEVER ride in Smokey "because YOU built it." *sigh*

So, enjoy your daughter's obvious enthusiasm, Jon. And buy the kid a pair of sunglasses, will ya? ;)

Absolutely a great video. You should send this video to Van's and ask Van to cut your daughter a commission on future aircraft sales. Very uplifting. I can't wait to give my 10 year old grand-daughter her first aerobatic ride.

On a separate note, I have wanted to compliment you on the two-ship formation video that you posted several months ago. Your two-ship approach and landing was of Blue Angel quality. For those whom may have missed your video, I would like to see it re-posted.


Tom, and everyone else with kind words, THANKS!

At the risk of "regulatory" criticism, I posted these videos for builder inspiration!


Best regards,
Cool videos. Speaking from a military stand point, the section takeoffs and landings looked pretty good.
Great video of you and your daughter.

Has she expressed any interest in learning to fly? Are you building that -12 for her? :D
Hey Jon, I just got a Zi8 and tried it today. My video turns out all jumpy when I start my engine. What video setting were you using in this video? I tried it set at 720p. Didn't see the problem until I got home, as the battery had died in the camera, so I haven't had a chance to try any other settings. Pretty sure it is not the mount, as it is very solid and has worked with an older camera I have.
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I think I used 720p, probably 60m frames a second. Maybe the anti shake was off(on)????
I'll see if I can pull up the properties.


That was an awesome video. I hope my daughter inherits my love of flying like it seems yours has. Mine is only 3 so I think I have plenty of time to "corrupt" her...lol
