Ralph Curran said:
Can anyone tell me what is the problem with the D2A Chelton EFIS delivery of the PinPoint GADAHRS.

Yeah, think it's a money problem. D2A closed their doors for the last time on friday as I understand it. No word on what is going to happen and probably won't be until after the holidays.
There is a letter out there stating that nothing is on back order to D2A from Chelton and they have no intention of sending anything else to D2A. I hope you didn't have any money with them.
Not Good

They were supposed to ship my Pinpoint Inertial System next week. (Or so I was told).

Beautiful, just beautiful.

Glad I still have my Crossbow 425X. I chose not to ship this back to D2A on their recall until Amy had given me a shipping number on the Pinpoint. Looks like we may get really good at wiring as we had changed the wiring from the Crossbow to the Pinpoint as per D2A wiring diagram that was sent to me so we could get a head start on the exchange. Looks like we may have to go back and replace what we had changed. :eek:

Beautiful, just beautiful.

Ahh, the joys of experimental building. Need to sit back, take a deep breath and see what transpires before we rip the wiring harness apart again. :mad:

Pat Garboden
Ozark, MO
Thought I was in final wiring process.
RV9-A 942WG (reserved) slider w/ O-235 and GARMIN stack
RV9-A 942PT (reserved) tip-up w/ O-320 Chelton EFIS w/GARMIN stack backup

Ralph Curran said:
Can anyone tell me what is the problem with the D2A Chelton EFIS delivery of the PinPoint GADAHRS.

As mentioned in another thread, check out the Matronics RV-10 List for more information on this subject.

As one of the early D2A customers, I sincerely hope they are able to come through this and make it right for all. I was fortunate to receive my Pinpoint GADAHARS in exchange for the Crossbow 425EX in November before Thanksgiving. I was told I was in the second shipment of GADAHARS from Pinpoint and that Pinpoint was slow in providing the units to D2A.

Keeping my fingers crossed,
Cheltons and Matronics list

Ralph.. Matronics RV10 list is at
Others.. For those of us who have the good fortune to have rec'd our PinPoint GADAHRS in the past month or two (paid for 2.5 years ago, incidentally), it still leaves open the question of where would one find support for that? I have found Peter and Kirk delightful to work with over time and am concerned about all this going forward. But that said, at least with me they were very "guarded" (shall we say) about who exactly was the manufacturer of the Pinpoint units. Is that info available?
It sure sounds as if we are all going to have to be supporting one another at least for the short term. Hoping Chelton Flight Systems is helpful!
Just wiring the Cheltons/Pinpoint this afternoon, incidentally, as the balance of my panel is now wired.
Pinpoint Mfg

LAL said:
at least with me they were very "guarded" (shall we say) about who exactly was the manufacturer of the Pinpoint units. Is that info available?

I once emailed Pinpoint about parts availability as I wanted to do my own EFIS. Their response several months ago was:
"Thank you for your inquiry. The only experimental inertial application we provide at this time has been specifically manufactured for a Direct To Avionics in Bend, OR. You might give them a call at (541) 504-8300 and ask about purchasing a sample. Certified applications are underway and we are not accepting any new experimental projects at this time."
Last edited:
I felt I was this ("'s) close

I was this close (holding two fingers very close together) according to the e-mail I got last month. Most of the employees at D2A were genuinely helpful and really took pride in what they were doing (especially Amy and Jordan). I cannot say enough good things about these two individuals. I am sour about the situation however. I also purchased this system over 2.5 years ago. Here is the copy of the e-mail (below) that was sent to me. (Jordan did send me the install photos.)

Hi Pat,

The pinpoint schedule slipped a few weeks, but Pinpoint will still deliver your GADAHRS before the end of the year. My tentative date is around the second week of December. I greatly appreciate your continued patience. Jordan has become more familiar with the RV-8 & 9 and can send you some install photos for additional support. Please let us know if we can be of more assistance.

Office Manager
Direct to Avionics
63326-3 Powell Butte Hwy.
Bend, OR 97701
Phone: (541) 504-8300
Fax: (541) 617-8554


From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 11:41 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Pinpoint Inertia System


Any update as to when I may expect an exchange on my Crossbow to the new Pinpoint Inertia system?


Patrick N. Garboden
D2A / Chelton

Here's the deal guys. If you're a Chelton customer of mine you should have already received updates directly from SteinAir. If you're not, here are a few facts.

1) Direct 2 Avionics is out of business as of last Friday.
2) Chelton has severed any and all ties/relationshipes with D2A effective the same date.
3) D2A has not published a statement or any information at all.
4) Employees at D2A are no longer there.
5) It will be a number of days before we get any really good information as Chelton Exec's our out of town on vacation, and D2A are working through their legal options.

Right now we're all in this together, and there is a complete lack of any facts accurate enough to make any assumptions.

We'll keep everyone informed as we know more. Right now we're seeking additional information (including legal counsel) and will pass it along as we know more. Please be patient while we (all the dealers) try to sort this out and find out what is happenening.

Best Regards,
What about the future with a pinpoint?

I can answer a little bit of the pinpoint related questions. I checked into it recently and was told that in the recent software releases, both the Crossbow and Pinpoint will both function as a workable AHRS. (There had been an interim release at one point that required a pinpoint) So for people who have either,
you should easily be able to make them work.

Regarding future support, I believe the support worries probably aren't that big. Everything I've heard recently indicated that Big Chelton will be the support path, and also that new systems can be ordered from them including with the Pinpoint. So my guess is that they're much closer tied to that product than might be readily apparent. I would bet that part of the bush-off in the past for experimental inquiries was more related to them being timid about being involved in the experimental market themselves. (just a speculation) They probably chose to separate themselves somewhat, for the usual liability reasons. With the recent folding of D2AV, I would think that they'd have to bring themselves closer to it, or re-establish another workable distributor. Who knows. Whatever happens, I would definately do a "pay-at-the-time-of-shipment" deal, and none of the pay in full before order thing. It stinks when the product is good, but the vendors aren't trustworthy.

As for getting the pinpoint or any other system up and going, I think you will find that the systems are both not all that complex to deal with. You should easily be able to make inquiries to the normal dealers and get the answers you need. I find myself in a strange place too, in that I'm not related to any company, but I'm a very satisfied builder/flier with the systems. Having hooked up and operated both the Crossbow and the Pinpoint units in the past, I welcome any direct emails from builders who want a few tips on getting things wired up and working. I had to learn a lot along the way, and I think the best thing to do with knowledge is pass it along to others. Regardless of the AHRS you have, I'm sure you can obtain a very nice flying system. The Crossbow has had issues, and personally I believe they still have unresolved issues as I've been contacted as recently as this weekend by a builder who is having issues. But that doesn't mean that Crossbow will let you hang. All indications are that they really want to resolve things for people so I would expect that they follow through with the promise of fixes that they've made in the past. Be aware though that it is likely that things will be passed off as "installation issues", or "Builder issues" initially, so you'll need to be diligent about doing things "right" as you put together your system.

My biggest concern is not for those awating pinpoint delivery, but those who never received delivery on any of their components. It's those people I really hope can come out fulfulled in all of this. The warranty and support related issues are much more minor, and I believe they will be handled fine. If someone has the opportunity to test Big C's warranty support on the experimental systems, give a report so we can hear how it goes.

Dont know about e'body else, but me thinks I need to look/research for another panel. I was so decided on the cheltons.
This is bad.
Chelton is fine

Chelton has assured me by phone and e-mail that they will support, and continue to market their Sport, Pro and Certified EFIS systems. Their Chelton Sport systems can be purchased thru dealers listed on this site and others.
Only D2A is apparently out of the business picture, although nobody has heard publically from D2A principals. D2A was an "exclusive dealer", which also meant D2A did not market competing systems.
Chelton has hired an in house marketing manager to take the place of D2A. More information should be out this week as the business units return to work from extended vacations.
Chelton continues to manufacture these units. D2A was a sales organization offering the Chelton EFIS in a package deal.

Pat Garboden
Ozark, MO
RV9-A 942WG (reserved) slider w/O-235 Garmin stack
RV9-A 942PT (reserved) tip-up w/O-320 Chelton
Aviator said:
Dont know about e'body else, but me thinks I need to look/research for another panel. I was so decided on the cheltons.
This is bad.

I wouldn't give up just yet... Lancair Avionics can still sell you one (and I expect other dealers like Stein at Steinair can as well). CFS has made a public statement that they are *not* getting out of the experimental business. We just don't know how to purchase yet, or deliver for those already purchased.

This week should help some with all partys back from the holidays.
Given other top notch players in the field like dynon, GRT and AFS, who market and support their systems direct, why would I invest a HUGE sum of money on avionics with a bunch of guys who need a front to sell their product? I always have been a bit sceptical about Chelton, although I loved what they had for us exp types. Comanies like Avidyne, garmin ( no dont flame) have and will invest in support and continued support. Which makes our investments worth it down the road. Remember, we still fly spamcans with dino gauges. but they can be readily fixed and are not so proprietary that when these "closed doors" issues come up, you are really in the soup when they go TU.
I will be looking for other stuff for santa to bring me for my panel. I think Chelton is out. There are just too many very good companies now who are working their tails off to give us more and more. Sad, I loved the cheltons and was decided. Oh well!
Back to the Q about going with a reputable dealer/shop/installer/whateveryoumaywanttocallit: like Stien who I have met several times in S&Fand OSH, whats he gonna do if the comany who made your stuff goes "doors closed"? I am sure he will try to "fix" it for you, if I know Stien. But the fact remains: you are out on a limb. And there is ony so much HE can do.
Just to be clear....Chelton Flight Systems themselves have not gone out of business and I doubt they will, they are a HUGE company. Chelton the parent company owns over 40 companies such as Comant, Artex, Wulfsberg, NAT (the intercom people), etc..

I don't know when the money up front thing was created and whether it was D2A's doing or not, but needless to say most all of us dealers (we've all become quite friendly with each other over the past week) will NOT sell ANY products again that require money up front, big or small. We never sat on the money, instead sent it to D2A as agreed so this hurts us as much as personally & financially as much as it does for each of you individually, only MANY times more!

That being said, we're all waiting to see how CFS & D2A are going to handle this situation and what is going to come out of it. We're going to do our darnest both professionally, personally & legally to get this all worked out.

As far as Garmin goes, we're one of the 10 dealers who can sell, service & install the G900X. You WILL SEE a number of these in RV's in the coming months - that I can guarantee you (and frankly we're pretty excited to be part of it). Garmin is NOT taking any money up front on these systems, and in fact will not until they SHIP. Garmin is turning out to be nothing like the big monster some make them out to be. It seems they are taking a true interest in Experimental Aircraft & homebuilts. I was at their facility withing the past couple of months and you'd be surprised at the reception us "experimental" guys received.....I was truly impressed and really respect their operation.

Like most other dealers, we don't sit on customers money. What remains to be seen is how we're all going to get this D2A thing fixed. Putting any or all of us dealers out of business because of something someone else did won't solve anything so I'm hoping cool heads will prevail here.

Until we know all the facts it's unlikely that any of the dealers are going to bend over backwards to sell you a Chelton system right this minute...but if this gets cleaned up by D2A and Chelton, then we'll cross that bridge when we get there. It's just too early to make any decisions, at least from my standpoint.

As before, we'll keep everyone informed once we have more facts.

Best Regards,

Direct-To Avionics Closes Its Doors?
Direct-To Avionics has reportedly ceased operations as of late last month, leaving potentially dozens of kitbuilders without equipment or immediate support for experimental versions of the Chelton EFIS. Chelton sold experimental versions of its EFIS systems to dealers exclusively through Direct-To. While some builders claim to have paid for components that have not been delivered, Chelton?s official release said, ?Chelton has received various inquiries from persons who have alleged that they were told by D2A [Direct-To Avionics] that parts for which they claimed to have paid D2A were ?back ordered.? Chelton currently has no purchase orders from D2A and there are no ?back orders? to be filled. Chelton has also suspended taking any further purchase orders from D2A and has suspended D2A's status as an authorized distributor." Requests for comments by Direct-To principals were not returned over the New Year?s weekend.

One avionics shop owner told us that the situation as ?a mess,? but cautioned that builders should contact the avionics shop where the package was purchased immediately. An announcement from Chelton on making existing customers ?whole? was expected after the first of the year. Chelton also announced that it would continue development of the experimental EFIS. In addition, Crossbow Technology, which produced the air-data/heading reference system for the Chelton experimental EFIS in 2004 and 2005, announced an extension to a free upgrade to users with the NAV425EX-200 unit. Originally intended to lapse at the end of the year, the Crossbow offer has been extended to June 29, 2007. Direct-To claimed in early 2006 that there were problems with the Crossbow device and elected to install a newly produced Pinpoint inertial reference module.
Just to re-iterate...

If the information hasn't come DIRECTLY from the appropriate person at D2A, Chelton Flight Systems or your direct dealers mouth it can't be counted on as accurate. The information provided in the last post is not 100% accurate as of today, so it has to be treated as speculation. Some of it may be true (or turn out to be true/false), but some of it may not. Until we know for sure I wouldn't treat it as fact - only speculation.

The facts as they sit today are few and far between...but we should know a LOT more this week. Your dealer as well as this website will for sure keep everyone posted as real facts are received. I know Doug Reeves will post the facts for everyone once there is any good information to post.

I would like to echo Stein's comments as well. Crossbow is working with the panel builders and end customers to ensure that we support our aviation customers.

Crossbow has currently extended the upgrade program through June of 2007 and we will continue to support our customers. The NAV425EX bugs have been fixed since April of 06 and we have not seen any repeat of the behavior described in our service bulletins. In addition, we continue to upgrade these units for our customers and continue to sell new units to other EFIS manufacturers.

We have noted that there have been several installation problems with the NAV425EX and we have been working with the customers that have contacted us to resolve those issues. One of the key items that has come out of this interaction is the recommendation of an aviation grade external mount GPS antenna. We are currently recommending that all customers upgrade to the Antcom 2G15A-XS-1 antenna that is noted in our service bulletin.
Price on antenna

Mike, I sent Antcom a message basically asking for the price and have yet to hear anything. Would you know approx cost?
Antcom antenna cost

I do not have my invoice directly in front of me but I recall this 2G15A-XS-1 antenna to run in the $325 to $350 range. Coax not included. This also has the small BNC connector so each end will differ on your coax.

Pat Garboden
Ozark, MO
It's been a few months since we ordered an antenna from Antcom, but the price was approximately ~$160 for the antenna which was substantially less than the Garmin version. We tested several antenna's in house when we started to see customers with GPS dropout from the antenna that Direct 2 provided and the Antcom was the best value/performer that we tested. You will also need a male to male SMA cable in an appropriate length. You should be able to find these locally for a few dollars in lengths from 2-15ft. Antcom also has them for sale if needed. I also tried contacting Antcom this morning, however I think a lot of folks are still on vacation.

We feel very strongly that this antenna issue should be a priority for all of our customers. Not all GPS antenna's are equal and since most of us have family members aboard from time to time I think its critical that we ensure a maximum level of safety for our passengers.

We are also strongly recommending that these antennas be mounted externally for optimum reception. I understand that this causes a lot of heartache for some folks, however please understand that there is not one FAA certified internal mount GPS antenna on the market. Now, in theory composite aircraft should be transparent however I can tell you that this theory does not necessarily hold true for all installations and we have seen a couple of instances where the aircraft was not transparent. Our first priority is your safety and I sleep much better at night when someone tells me that they have mounted their antenna externally.

If you wish to utilize a Garmin antenna or something similar, the GPS requires an active antenna with 3.3V of bias voltage to activate the antenna and with the current not to exceed 50mA.