
Well Known Member
Dynon says they have been working on this annoying problem for a couple of years. Now for several months they claim there is a fix available that finally works, but they are not releasing it to RV-12 owners. I just put a post on the Dynon forum, and I suggest anyone else that is still seeing this problem add to the thread. Perhaps a little more pressure will get their attention.
Just to clarify the situation...
My understanding is that the fix is still in the Beta/test phase. They aren't saying they won't ever release it to RV-12 builders, just that they won?t release it when it is still under Beta testing.

Remember, whether you like it or not, if you built an RV-12 as an E-LSA, you built an airplane with some level of certification (unlike an E-AB kit). This is what got you the 5 hr flight test period.

Any changes that get made to the airplane or its operating systems have to follow the continued airworthiness protocols required by an ASTM.

If you have an E-AB RV-12 you are not bound by this, but you would have to work something out directly with Dynon.

I would expect that once the Beta testing has concluded, that Dynon will issue the update via an RV-12 specific firmware release.
To those who are awaiting the NAVSRC fix......

........ check the latest entries in the thread I started on the Dynon forum. In response to my (hopefully reasonably polite) prodding, Dynon has disclosed their plan and tentative schedule to get the fix out to RV-12 owners. Sometimes the squeaky wheel does get the grease;).
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Good to know John, this is the only glitch in my otherwise de-glitched airplane (yes, I stopped short of saying perfect). Thanks.
What's this?

This is apparently a glitch I didn't know about-- probably something I don't use? What's the error symptom?

BTW, I'm still getting erroneous fuel flow readings above 5500 MSL.

Wayne 120241.\/143WM
Wayne, what we are referring to is the way the Garmin 496 talks to the Dynon D180. There is a very annoying problem with the Auto pilot losing it's NAV signal in flight. It is very intermittent. Sometimes it will need to be reset every 15 minutes or maybe not at all. It will be good to have it corrected.
........BTW, I'm still getting erroneous fuel flow readings above 5500 MSL.
Wayne 120241.\/143WM


The erroneous high fuel flow readings, and alarms, at higher altitudes is a problem that was looked at by both Van's and Dynon. As far as I know they never came up with a definitive cause, or a fix. The problem only happens at higher altitudes when the aux electric fuel pump is running. The fix I and others came up with is to install a switch in the electric fuel pump circuit so the aux pump can be used only for takeoff and landing, and in the case of an engine driven pump failure. The Piper PA-28 series, and some Cessnas, and probably lots of other models, have been doing this for years. I have never seen the high fuel flow indication since installing the switch. Go here for photo of my switch.


I had the momentary high fuel flow indication at a relatively low DA OF 2800ft. Another thing I have noticed over the last year (about 70 flying hours) is a slow increase in the steady state fuel flow indication from 5GPH TO 6 GPH.

Anyone interested in installing a fuel pump switch should have a look at Master Joe Gore's installation. Joe was able to install it on the switch panel. Maybe Joe will post a picture of it. It is a great idea and a great bit of workmanship!
Joe, where did you get the switch?
I used OTTO brand switch part number KIABBPCADA used for ignition switches in the RV-12.
Van's Aircraft sold me one. Call them and ask for part number KIABBPCADA.
Joe Gores
D-180 NavSrc Lost problem fixed

I installed D-180 firmware version 5.5.0, then flew from 57D in Michigan to T31 in Texas using the autopilot most of the way. The autopilot never lost the nav source once. Prior to version 5.5.0, navscr lost error occurred at least once per hour, usually more often. Now with 5.5.0, the autopilot flew for 8 hours without a problem. I am calling the problem fixed.
Joe Gores