
Well Known Member
A buddy asked me to replace his fuel pressure sensor by a Kavlico.
I have upgraded the D180;firmware to 5.6.1 which is supposed to have 6 sensor choices for fuel pressure connected to pin 8.
However I only get a choice of 3 and no Kavlico. The Kavlico works fine but it reads funny on the sreen as it has no resistance output like the old sensor.
When I check the version it now reads 5.6.1 which was 5.4 when I started, so the upgrade was succesful.
As fas as I know the integrated EMS is automaticcally updated with the EFIS.

What am I missing ?
Don't know about the D180, but some of the AFS engine modules require an electrical mod to convert from resistive to the Kavlico. In the AFS units the 'input' has a pullup resistor that puts a voltage on the input pin. The resistive sensor then pulls that voltage down, depending on pressure. With the Kavlico, one wire is the supply wire, another is ground, and the 3rd outputs a varying voltage due to pressure sensed. So for the AFS, the pullup resistor's voltage feed must be removed from the input pin if using the Kavlico.
I have printed a Dynon application note for the Kavlico application to the D180.
It receives external 5 Volt and there is no mention of other modifications besides new firmware.
For some reason the input channel does not allow the choice for Kavlico as the note says it should.
The Efis and EMS are in the same box and it appears that just the efis is updated.
The app note says both dowloads should happen automaticcaly.
I also mailed Dynon but no respons sofar.
Thats exactly the issue.
I don?t get the choice for 6.
Just 1,2 or 3
V 5.6.1 should have this choice 6 but it does?nt
Could you possibly give me a call so we can discuss. I know with the time shift it is difficult, but I feel it would more productive.
425-402-0433 after 5 pm or so your time would work. I will be out of the office tomorrow 1-15 but will be back in on the 16th.
If you could e-mail [email protected] with your number, I will be happy to call on my dime.
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Thats exactly the issue.
I don?t get the choice for 6.
Just 1,2 or 3
V 5.6.1 should have this choice 6 but it does?nt

I?d try reloading the firmware- my D-120 offered all six choices after Iupdated and I also switched successfully to the kavlico sensor.
Don, Hartstoc

Problem solved.
I reloaded the support program from the Dynon site and reloaded the firmware into the D180.
To my surprise choice 6 was now available and after selection it worked.

Thanks very much for your help.

VAF is great
