
Well Known Member
I am not close to the aircraft so it is quite difficult to help. Yesterday the owner phoned me and told me that the screen got stuck in the boot up. See picture. After trying everything I have told him to do a 1+3+5 button reset. that seemed to work as it did start up. he then tried to go to the Flight Plan menu, but could not do so.

This morning he added fuel and then at switch on it boots up and goes directly to the FUEL page. No matter what you do, it does not come out of this screen. A 1+3+5 reset brings you back to the same page. I have also asked him to try it with the Backup Battery disconnected without any difference.

Lastly a 7+8 button press to get to the Setup Menu also does not work.

Any ideas on what is causing thi will be really welcomed. Thank you.


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I had a similar problem in Jan 2021, D1000 would boot to the Fuel Adjustment page and the only buttons that did anything were FULL and ACCEPT. After a couple of additional power cycles, the unit would not boot at all. Had to send it back to Dynon for repair. You may also see a System 3 and/or System 5 error event in the messages, another indication it needs to go back to Dynon for repair.

John Salak
RV-12 N896HS
SSD errors

I’ve been getting SYS EVENT 5: SEE SETUP message on my D1000 in my RV-7.
It eventually blanks out then reboots. Check Appendix A: Maintenance and Troubleshooting page 22-3 in the SkyView system installation guide on their website. This may be the problem.
Thank you John.

Mark I am aware of the system 5 event messages but this one does not show it. Thank you.