Bill Wightman

Well Known Member
Here's the final (I hope) iteration of the panel in our RV8. Its actually the third one we've laid out, cut and installed.

The addition of the Dynon D100 has eliminated the entire vacuum system, ATT and DG, the g-meter, and the blind encoder. It cost a net additional $900 to do this transition. We think this yielded a much better layout within the confines of the RV8's panel space.

The airplane is built for day/night VFR and sports a KMD150 nav display, a Dynon D100 PFD, and a VM1000C engine monitor. Comm is handled by the iCom A200 with the GTX327 Garmin transponder. We retained three key steam gages below the D100 as backups.

New panel finished

Back side w/all support structure in place

Detail of radio stack supports

Everything fits perfectly (the third time!)

Its tighter than you think on the back side

Test fit in the airplane
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Nice layout,makes a lot of sense,has a good flow.
But the purpose of my post is your VM1000C - the pic of the rear of your panel leads me to believe that you may have an older one. I purchased mine two SnF's ago and I just returned it (they are being recalled). Just received the replacement (free of charge - except for my shipping cost to them) and it's an impressive unit -- outside of the original looking faceplate everything else has been replaced,sensors and all,IMHO much better quality,instructions,with more features & functions.
Why I think yours might be an earlier one is that the back of yours looks like mine did before I returned it.Now the unit has a USB port with a JUMP drive & computer software so you can download data for flight recording.
If yours is an older model (no more than two years old) and you (or anyone) want to take advantage of this recall let me know and I'll dig up the contact info for you.Be aware - you must return everything because they replaced everything.
Hope this is helpful
Old VM100C


Well I must have the old one then. I got it shortly after they became available.

I'd really appreciate the contact information you have. And go ahead and post it on this thread so anyone else who might need to get theirs replaced can get it done.

Thx for your comments on the panel. It was fun doing it!


Just spoke to Vision Microsystems and this is their message.
Call 830-755-6330 and ask about the VM1000C exchange and they will direct you to a person who will help you.
They are a great bunch of people - they probably didn't have to do this ,it must be costly for them,but it's the right thing to do.
Vision Microsystems was absorbed by JPI -- I don't know where the decision came from but I think it was a VERY good one.I know I'm very pleased.
PFD Top & Center

The panel has a Dynon D100 in it - that's the large rectangular screen in the top center with the 6 buttons under it. Its a Primary Flight Display (PFD) which shows attitude, airspeed, altitude, heading, etc. This single unit replaced my original vacuum driven ATT and DG.

Check out and take a look.
The other guy

Man that's good work! I am the second in this venture and usually don't have much to say. I really enjoy this sight and count a priviledge to be involved in our RV-8 build. Bill and I work very hard at producing our best results and sometimes that means a do over.