
Active Member
Wanting to get some feed back on a engine 0320 in my RV 9a it has 800 since new one of the cyclinder rings is not seating started to turn the oil black, we are pulling it off and having it rebuilt, my question should i just pull all of the cylinders at the same time and have all of them checked over or just do the one thats giving the problem.

Thanks for any feed back
If it was me....

and one cylinder broke a ring I would be curious about the rest and would probably go ahead and check them at the same time. Once you got it torn down that far it's not much harder to just do them all. Doing a top end at 1000 hours is not unusual.
You didnt mention how long it was taking for the oil to turn black. I would assume if its an 800 since new engine that it has Lycoming steel cylinders on it. I would start out honeing the problem cylinder installing new rings and see how it is after the cylinder breaks in. Leave the others alone if they are working properly.
Check them all out.

I did the single cylinder replacement, then the break-in flights for temps to come down. Then the other three dropped pressure. I am doing the other three now.

I would take it as an opportune time to check out the rest of the engine. My comment is that this is on an older low time plane that had not been flying regularly. It is corrosion and lack of use that got me in trouble. The rest the plane is truly beautiful. Oh and the plane is a Citabria that I have been flying while I finished building the RV-7eh. The Citabria will be for sale soon if my wife has her way. I told her that I was naming it after her so I could keep it, but that doesn't seem to be working.
Hi Tim,

I see your getting some responses in favor of either option but I don?t think we have enough information to advise you.

How old is the engine in years and hours?

How much oil is it burning?

Are any of the plugs oil fouling?

How long does it take to turn the oil dark?

How did you determine witch cylinder is having a problem? Low compression?

What are the compression #s?
Hi Tim,

I see your getting some responses in favor of either option but I don?t think we have enough information to advise you.

How old is the engine in years and hours? 7 years old 800 hrs

How much oil is it burning? 1 quart every 4 hrs

Are any of the plugs oil fouling? no

How long does it take to turn the oil dark? 4 hours

How did you determine witch cylinder is having a problem? Low compression?

What are the compression # we check the compression they were all 74-76/80

one of the exhaust pipes has a oily residue in the tail pipe
Assuming the engines oil consumption was normal tell it suddenly started this behavior I would pull just the offending cylinder and take a look, it might have a broken ring, if I found problems of extreme wear and or the engine always burnt lots of oil then pull the rest of them.

All I?m saying is that it flies 100+ hours a year so it?s not just sitting around rusting, so take a look at the first one before you decide what to do about the other three.
UP Date

After reviewing and looking over everything, we pulled all the cylinders and sent them in for over haul, one had a burnt value, three had worn value guides, they iran all four and they were re installed, also why we had everything torn down i always thought the carb was lean on take off and cruise so we sent the carb to aero sport and rejetted the carb, also after reading the forum pages we sealed the ramp on the front of the cowl, also when the cylinders were sent in we found out we had 9to1 pistons, i thought they were 8.5 to 1. did the 2 hr test flight for breaking in the cylinders, temps on take off got to 395 then in cruise they leveled off around 345 and purred like a smooth running engine:)