Kyle Boatright

Well Known Member
The time to clean out any flash between your cylinder fins is BEFORE you install your baffles. Once the baffles are installed (particularly the aft baffle on the left hand side), you lose access to one of the most important sets of fins...

The most important sets of fins? Whaa?

The ones on the exhaust side of the cylinder. That's the side that gets hot (at least relative to the intake side). The exhaust side of the cylinder faces forward on the right side of the engine and faces aft on the left side of the engine. If you have flash between the fins on the exhaust side of the cylinder it'll hurt your cooling more than flash on the intake side.

But the point is... Clean out that flash before you install your baffles. Especially on the aft cylinder on the left hand side. Otherwise, you'll need to remove that portion of your baffles to clean up between those fins.
Good Advice and add the chutes for left front and right rear. Easy to do when building. Some heads leave a very small (inadequate) channel even if the flashing is removed.