
Well Known Member
The plans have a nice full size template for cutting the slot for the tail wheel stinger, and as I'm putting together the aft bulkheads and fitting the support for the stinger, seems like a convenient time to make the cutout in the tail bottom, now before assembling the aft fuse.

The manual doesn't say anything about this until several pages later when it suggests you check the fit and trim the cutout as necessary.

Any suggestions?

I'm planning on doing this in the next couple of days. Look at p 8-29 in the RV8 manual, mid page,8 boxes down, states when to make the cut...good luck
Thanks Rich. I think I'm beginning to get the idea here. The manual is still clear as mud - It says something about making a 3/4" cut at a hole that doesn't exist on the skin.

I think I'll bug the guys at Van's some more this week just to be sure I'm reading this part right.
Maybe I can save you a call. Drawing 73,bottom left corner shows a tail spring detail. You should see a 3/32 hole just aft of the 811 bulkhead in the 828 skin. This gets enlarged to 3/4" so the nut can be tightened.
Thanks Rich, I see that now.

Are you keeping a builder's log online?

I appreciate your tips!