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Ron Lee

Well Known Member
From AOPA:

"It?s been almost one and a half years since pilots started using the Electronic Advance Passenger Information System (eAPIS) for international flights, and Customs and Border Protection officials have decided it?s time to remove the training wheels. The agency had been lenient when it came to minor violations using the system, reaching and educating pilots, but not anymore.

Customs has notified AOPA that it will soon issue its first penalty against a pilot. The agency also informed AOPA that it will start issuing penalties on a monthly basis. Previously, customs would send a warning letter to pilots who had violated eAPIS procedures.

The penalty for the first violation is a $5,000 fine, while each subsequent violation carries a $10,000 fine.

Since May 18, 2009, pilots flying internationally have had to electronically submit a passenger list (manifest) and arrival/departure notification at least 60 minutes prior to leaving or entering the United States. This summer, customs released enhancements to eAPIS to make it easier to file the notifications. Pilots can now save up to 10 manifests indefinitely, and eAPIS will automatically save the latest five manifests for 30 days."

What a crock of horse poop. Lets make it such a deterrent, that no one will want to go through the hassle and live in fear of making an honest mistake on a poorly laid out system. When I have crossed the border(last week) customs was more concerned with walking around my rv with a geiger counter than looking at my passport, when the agent came near ,I produced my passport and the agents reply was " oh yea, I guess I need to look at those!"

But thats just my opinion, and ya caught me on a bad day.
Gary, notice that I did not add my commentary above. Part of the reason to not go to Canada is Canadian requirements plus the EAPIS issue. I have used it for two trips (Bahamas and Mexico) and each time I did my best to fill it out accurately yet worry that some minor issue may cost me $5000.

Now it appears that they are out to get someone.
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Never mind the nuisance to US citizens who want to travel... Think of the losses in tourism dollars from Canadian pilots who refuse to fly into the US now. A large number of pilots refuse to be subjected to such lunacy.

Personally I just do what I can to meet the requirements, and haven't found it to be much trouble at all... Just a little extra paperwork and a couple of phone calls.
I fly out of the same field as Gary. Last summer I organized a cross border fly-out to show the local flyers how to use the eAPIS and customs procedures. We had about 15 aircraft in the flight. US CBP was very helpful and professional. CBP laid on extra staff to clear all of us all and even posed for a photo op.
I have never had any problem with US CBP and find that they will treat you as well as you treat them. I think CBP personnel have been going out of their way to be user friendly in the past year or so. My concern is that this latest customs notification will undo much of the goodwill that has been built up since the first introduction of eAPIS.
Snowbird, you are probably correct. When I went through customs at Key West and earlier this year at El Paso Texas, CBP was great. Wonderful folks. They did their job professionally and courteously.

But....if they are out to get me, I will just avoid travel outside the USA. Note: it is not paranoia when they are really out to get you!
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Never mind the nuisance to US citizens who want to travel... Think of the losses in tourism dollars from Canadian pilots who refuse to fly into the US now. A large number of pilots refuse to be subjected to such lunacy.

You hit the nail on the head with the term lunacy. I don't have any plans to fly my RVs across the border any more due to this nonsense especially if they crack down on the $5k fine thing for possibly even an innocent minor error in filling out the form. No thanks.
It's All About $$$

My opinion - it's all about $$$ anyway. The 'regulators' place 'regulations' in place in order to gather $$$. Too bad but true in my view - 'politician=professional liar.:(
My opinion - it's all about $$$ anyway. The 'regulators' place 'regulations' in place in order to gather $$$. Too bad but true in my view - 'politician=professional liar.:(

Customs was always about money, be it legal or illegal.
Alexandra from W2C
As someone who has used my RV to travel to Canada before and hope to do so again, this is a useful thread. I worry that it's getting a little too political though. Can we tone down the politics a notch so that we don't get this one shut down?

Back to the topic - has anyone had an experience they think would have been flagged as a violation? What are they looking for besides compliance that you've filed the manifest and made the proper calls in advance?
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