Yes - but you're missing out on the creative process of stacking pillows and plywood so you can lie on your back under the panel with your brain over-filling with blood. Good times!
Not a spin?

No, it could not be a roll because the flaperons are not installed. Besides, spin test sounds better.
But don't you need to stall to spin? And don't you need wings to stall?

Looks to me like longitudinal turns about a point! And the time it can stay knife-edge and inverted is impressive!

On a more serious note , can you post pics of the tail post rotisserie point? Very nice set up.
No primer inside?

So I have a question. With no primer inside does the mirror surface of the bare aluminum help when building?
How'd you do that?

I can't get to anything inside my fuselage or tailcone ... was going to build a sky hook. I like your idea better. Could we have a close up of your "swivel-thing -a ma-jig?" Pictures or video or text would be greatly appreciated. Maybe I could be a "copy cat".

Pictures of pivot points

To johnny stick, no, the mirror surface does not help while building. Sometimes it gets as confusing as being in a fun house full of mirrors, especially when trying to find drilled out rivets between ribs. I am at the point in the plans where it is suggested that the interior be painted. I will do that next.
Below are pictures of the forward and aft pivot points.


You'll be blamed tonight, Joe...

Honey...why are you so distant tonight? Did you have a bad day working on the 12?

Nope...I am trying to think of whether or not I have any half inch pipe in the shop...I have to make a spin tester...that Joe is a pretty neat guy...his fuselage looks great but his twisting -turning thing was kind of ugly. I think I can make a couple adaptations and I'll even be able to roll it outside when I sweep out the hangar...ummmm I mean garage...and it is going to be great for painting...gee...I think I can get this done for the weekend!

I gotta hand it to that Joe guy...goodnight, dear

Jay Sluiter
Albany, OR

Looks a bit complicated!! MAYBE I can copy that. Thanks for the explanatory pictures. Avery Tools should sell that contraption ....
adjustable for all Rv's!

Thanks again.
"Pete Smith Specialties"

This video reminds me of the old "Pete Smith Specialties" news reels that used to show on one of the Nashville stations way back in the Fifties. I believe they were originally produced in the Thirties. Very informative and always entertaining. As a boy, I especially liked the ones about airplanes and cars and how inventors were working on "improvements" to them.

BTW, that's not an insult...on the contrary, that's a compliment. I like the "spin tester," although it looks more like a BBQ rotisserie to me.
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