Mr Charles

Well Known Member
Looking for an option to use a custom decal on my Ray Allen stickgrip...I am utilizing one of the buttons for my smoke system, and the decals that are supplied with the grip don't include "smoke"...

Can someone steer me to a place that can custom make one decal...matte black with white lettering?

Won't fit

The decal they have with "smoke" on it is for the larger (longer) size of the two sizes that come on the G205. I am needing the smaller size. I will try a phone call to them anyway and see if they might share with me their source for decals...

Any other ideas anyone?
It's only a tad bit larger, and you can trim it to fit. It's cheap and worth a try to see if the results are acceptable to you (it was for me). It's not *perfect*, but it's such a small detail that "close enough" is good enough, IMO.