
Well Known Member
I'm working out my avionics current load. The GTX327 says maximum power input of 20Watts. So my naive calculation of 20W/12V < 2Amps means this this device will never draw more than 2 amps. Have I done this correctly?
I'm working out my avionics current load. The GTX327 says maximum power input of 20Watts. So my naive calculation of 20W/12V < 2Amps means this this device will never draw more than 2 amps. Have I done this correctly?

P = IV (P = Power is Watts, I = current in Amps, V = Volts)

20 W / 12 v = 1.6666 Amps

A two (2) amp CB or fuse will work. Make sure that the wire is the correct size (or larger) for the fuse or CB.

Your calculations are correct.
I'm working out my avionics current load. The GTX327 says maximum power input of 20Watts. So my naive calculation of 20W/12V < 2Amps means this this device will never draw more than 2 amps. Have I done this correctly?

Well, since you are asking for opinions, I can think of three additional things to consider:

One, as was pointed out, the 327 manual specifies a 3A breaker, so you might want to stick with that.

Second, while this might not be a factor since the wiring run will be relatively short between the 327 and the power source. However, I think it would be good practice to account for the voltage drop in the wiring as well.

Third, as was also pointed out, the fuse/breaker is there to protect the wiring, not the device.

I hope this helps!