Tom @ N269CP

Well Known Member
The weather was great the other day so decided to fly on up to Jackson Hole. While trimming it out for cruise at 12.5k feet I noticed the elevator "up" trim button on the Ray Allen grip did not seem to be working. I also noticed that whenever I keyed the mic to talk with ATC the plane would lurch upwards...initially thought it was just some convective activity. But sure enough, the mic switch was doing a better job activating the up trim than the up trim button was...though not when I needed it. Clearly a short somewhere.

Was never happy with the clumsy 2 trim buttons on the Ray Allen grip, and didn't want to spend money fixing something I never liked up in Jackson Hole. Also, the problem could have gotten worse and become a complete trim runaway or electrical failure as there's no dedicated breaker for this circuit. So I decided to do a 180 and returned to Durango. Landed with minimal radio use.

Now safely back on terra firma, I'm going to replace the Ray Allen grip with an Infinity grip with China Hat trim....and relocate my flap and boost pump toggles to it while I'm at it. Guess I needed a "nudge" to finally do something about the grip. ;)