
To all my friends and acquaintances in the RV community:

Just a quick note to let you all know that I started my new job on Monday... I'm the new General Manager at CubCrafters here in Yakima, WA.

Though my RV-3B is now living comfortably in Colorado Springs without me, and I'm diving into the world of production tube/fabric airplanes, I'll continue to at least lurk in the RV community. It's been such a big part of my life for so long now that I just can't help it. Jim Richmond, our Owner/Founder/CEO, loves RVs too and has already owned one and would like to have another. Heck, I think everyone needs to own both an RV and a Sport Cub (or Super Sport Cub), right?

Needless to say I'm stoked about my new gig, CubCrafters truly does have best-in-class product and an excellent foundation to build further on. As homebuilders I know all of you would appreciate how these planes are built. If any of you are ever in the area and would like to take a look just let me know. Some of the CNC parts, the fiberglass work, and the paint booth alone will make you druel. Anyway, stop by our booth at a fly-in and say hi, I'll give you a look at what we're up to personally.
Congrats Randy! They have some really great planes.

So does this mean you can swing us RV types a discount on a carbon cub? :D
How about a rag covered RV?

Cub Crafters is a great company that just landed a great GM. Congrats to both!
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Congratulations for sure.

I don't live in Yakima but my business takes me there several times per month. Over the years I have grown fond of the whole river valley from Ellensburg to Richland. If I could persuade my wife into up-rooting I'd relocate somewhere in that area too.

Best of luck
I agree, CubCrafters has picked up a great GM. Congratulations Randy...you're still on my insurance policy if the mood ever strikes you to fly an RV!
Wow, congratulations! I just wish some of the great companies that are based in the pacific NW were down here in the DFW area, I'd give up my commercial aircraft job in a minute to work for a small company like this :D

That is great news. So when are you going to put some RV-9 wings on a cub fuselage and come up with a 150 MPH Cub?
I know a young man here who definitely wants that. He's building time with the Cub his dad bought him (he'll soon be age-eligible for his private license) but he finds it difficult to keep up with the other pilots when we go for breakfast on Sunday.

Congrats on your new job.
Hey Randy

Welcome to the Valley!
You're going from the wet to the HEAT (kinda like DFW, but no humidity)
We're sharing the same desert now. I'm an hour north or so...as the RV flies.
Just watch out for the local missile range! :eek:
Hey Randy:

Congrats on the new job!! I still have a photo of your RV-8 on my fridge!! (always liked that paint job). I expect to see some Cubs with that RV paint scheme someday!!
Why So Expensive?

I've looked at the Carbon Cub quite a bit as a rag wing alternative to the RVs, but I frankly don't understand the price. Why is the airframe kit so much more expensive than an RV, Kitfox, or RANS? I think Cub Crafters would be well served to add more information to their website to explain what the extra money buys you.

I've looked at the Carbon Cub quite a bit as a rag wing alternative to the RVs, but I frankly don't understand the price. Why is the airframe kit so much more expensive than an RV, Kitfox, or RANS? I think Cub Crafters would be well served to add more information to their website to explain what the extra money buys you.


Alex, you're 100% right, we do not currently tell the story properly and it's already on my list of issues that need to be addressed. If you or anyone was seriously considering it a factory tour would be in order.

Day 3.5 on the job today and I took a quick dual flight this afternoon with our company CFI, I'm cleared for solo.
Randy, welcome to yakima. I bought my Luscombe there from Jim and worked there at cubcrafters for the summer of '02 before returning to a&p school. You've probably met Eric Stoothoff, he taught me how to fly. If I remember right you're a DAR, correct?
Cover of Sport Aviation, and now a new job... :) Congrats... I always liked what CC did with the cubs.
Cubcrafter's Announcement


See what they have to say on their web site.


Half tempted to copy paste it here with the link to their photo but will let you go to their site to read the great write up.

Randy will be at their booth at AirVenture 2009 so all of us should drop by and say hello.