Jerry Cochran

Well Known Member
I have a few hundred hours behind a Hartzell CSP but seem to have some difficulty explaining use of same to a CS newbie. He has just purchased an experimental with one. No not an RV but should not matter, right?

He is an EE so no dummy, but he leads me down paths that confuse my old brain. I have had him memorize the formula HP=MP(aka Torque)xRPM/5252 to help enlighten him, but he wanders off into pitch angles, shifting gears, etc.

I am hoping someone can point me to a "CSP for beginners" type of thing.
Searched here but no joy so far. To me it is dirt simple but I cannot put into words properly. If I were currently legal I could take him up and bet he would "get it" within minutes.

Anyone want to give it a shot?

Thanks a bunch!
Quit while you are ahead. A CS prop is a mechanical device, EE's just are not capable... :)