
Well Known Member
It is now two months since my stall on take off on my first flight of the RV-12 Here is where it stands as of today.

The PSRU just came back from a Rotax Service was fine. The engine crankshaft was also fine. The oil and water radiators were not damaged, nor was the gascolator.

I replaced the two major side skins due to crinkling at the most forward ends. The four pieces that make up the underside of the fuselage just behind the lower firewall were replaced, as was the lower piece of the firewall. That piece was crinkled also, but I decided not to try to straighten it. Stainless is awkward to work.

I replaced the nose gear leg, and the nose wheel fork. The wheels and tires all all OK. No antenna damage; no spinner or upper cowl damage.

I finished replacing the lower cowl today along with the air duct. Was surprised to find the cowl duct interface (a rather small part) cost $87.25. I have a new prop on hand.

I have to reinstall the gear box and hang the eingine. That's tomorrow's work.
Then set the prop angles (lots of good ideas on that on this site lately) then do the mechanical sync on the carbs, pruge the engine, and all those little things that this work involves.

I have a small ding on the leadiing edge of one wing that will have to wait until the wings are reinstalled.

Sam at Vans sent me photos and text on setting the AST and takeoff indicator on the DYNON. He said they were going to incorporate this information in the instructions in a coming change. Their data pretty much reflects what other builders have communicated to me on this site.

I took the interium period to also install a Moeller mechanical fuel gauge.

I hope to be in the air within the coming month.

That's a lot of progress! I'm sure glad that you posted this update.

Good luck with the rest of the job, and of course the flight.


I think it says a lot that you didn't abandon your project but instead repeated all (more of) the laborious tasks you had just completed. Incident remorse has led many a new builder to throw their hands up and walk away. I admire your second effort! Best to you.

That was quick! Strike while the iron is hot, eh. Pleased for you, that you are nearly ready to roll.

Are you able to share the AST and Dynon calibrtaion text/photos? I'm just doing that now.

Good work John. Your tennacity to get the plane back in the air (after all it did fly!) is inspiring. Like Pete said, others would have given up.

Have you found a good transition training instructor yet?
Hey John,
I admire your grit and determination. Hope to meet you someday and shake hands.

Good work John. Happy things are coming along!!

Get some time with one us that are flying the RV-12 or call Mike Seager at Van's and get some time in their RV-12. 503-709-5975.