Joe Parish

Well Known Member
Wondering if putting in the crotch strap in a RV-9A is necessary. Do you find its in the way and you don't use it? Or do you use it all the time? Wanted input from those already flying. thanks Joe
Installed it and use it; it doesn't get in my way or restrict my motion in any way, so I figured why not - it may prove valuable someday. Just make sure you lay it forward before sitting down each time so you aren't digging under your crotch to pull it out after sitting down :D

I don't feel strapped in without it. And yes, it has been fully strained on many occasions.
I fitted the 4-point harness to my 9 originally. After hitting some turbulence and banging my head on the canopy I replaced them with the 5-point harnesses. Much more secure.
The 5-point is second nature for me from my SCCA days. Good tip about laying it forward before you're seated.
I don't have one. Banged my stupid head couple times due to loose seat belt. No cracks on the canopy so far :)
Highly recommended! It keeps the lap belt securely around your hips, especially in turbulence...
If it's not used - say a female passenger in a skirt - will it lie flat in an aft direction under the cushion?
Just a tip Joe,...

... if it's not too late to do so, install the brackets to the floor ribs before you rivet the ribs to the bulkheads or the floor. Much easier to lay out, drill, and rivet that way. I even used solid rivets on mine.
The brackets are installed already.

Gil, I was wondering the same thing. Not sure if they would lay under the seat?
Sure, it'll lie flat. My seats (Classic Aero Sportsman) have a slot for the crotch belt, and if not used you can either lay it flat beneath the seat, or tuck the buckle/webbing back into that slot.
I don't have one. Banged my stupid head couple times due to loose seat belt. No cracks on the canopy so far :)

same for me, no 5th point attachment and I've banged my head pretty good at least four times in the past three years. those are the ones I can remember....
The purpose of the sub-strap is to keep the lap belt in place. Without it, in the event of an accident, the lap belt may/will ride up above the hips and across the stomach. During the impact, the belt will damage your internal organs and while you will survive the initial accident, you will probably die due to organ damage.

When I was doing the SCCA thing, we had to have dual sub straps, just in case one broke. (We also had 3" straps, none of this 2" stuff, like we have in our planes.)
5 Point Harness

One last point; a pilot put his RV down off airport a number of years ago now, and he only had the 4 point and somehow ended up in the baggage compartment after it stopped tumbling upon impact. He was okay, but said the next RV he built would have a 5 point seat belt!