
Well Known Member
Hi Guys,

Last Saturday I did a 30 minute session of crosswinds practice, the attached video shows my three worst landings, I found it quite challenging but then I also find I'm a slow learner :confused:

At the end of my session I was sweating like crazy, I also had an audience of 4 watching, you can just see them on the left at the end of the video as I am about to turn off the runway, I am sure if they had score cards they would have held them up, looks like they had nothing better to do and I was the mornings entertainment :D

Also you'll notice my last landing I got in at least 5 for the price of 1, at one stage I was rolling out with all 3 wheels on the runway and then I got a good gust and the mains where back in the air and I'm rolling along only on my tail wheel.

At the end of the day, I figure I want/need to be prepared for bad conditions should I encounter them while I'm away on a trip etc. so the more practice I get in the better even if some of it is a little ho hum.


Great video, the turbulence was not slight was it? And the wind socks all read differently.

I did notice ;)
Hi Guys,

What turbulence David :)

Vlad the mirror is from;

Fit System, rear seat view mirror C003

Just enter those details into Google and it will take you strait to the website

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Nice clip. Tell me about that side mirror to the right. What kind of mount?

Nice videos and thanks for the lead on the mirror

Vlad - got you covered, I just order 2 and you can have one. Are you going to Smoketown this coming Sat?
No Problems,

The mirrors are really neat in that you can check out your passengers face to determine how they are feeling, especially during aeros.

Also good when doing your control checks for views of your elevator

Nice videos and thanks for the lead on the mirror

Vlad - got you covered, I just order 2 and you can have one. Are you going to Smoketown this coming Sat?

Negative on Smoketown David. Going to 90ME for some cross wind practice with Cubbers :D
How strong?

Hey Eddie,

How strong was the crosswind? I have landed in gusty 27kts cross but it took me three goes to get in. My field has always got a crosswind and I can usually smoke a 20kt cross, however, it is very active flying. My technique is wheel landing (always) and fully flapped. I also have a fully castoring tailwheel (no steering at all) which helps when the tail comes down.

P.S. five weeks till we catch up at AUSFLY, can't wait...
Just watched the video Eddie, good effort I reckon given the mechanical and lee side turbulence you would be getting off those Wedderburn trees. But remember, wheelers will set you free ;)
That looked pretty character-building, Eddie. I thought I had my work cut out for me in the gustiness at Mittagong yesterday morning, but now I'm recalibrating.

- mark
Hi Guys,

The wind on the ground best I could tell was about 7knots gusting to 20knots with associated rotor, at 1000ft it was about 15knots gusting to ???

I chickened out on the wheelers as I just seemed to be getting moved all over the place, but in hindsight I should have given it a go, worst that could have happened is a go-around if things got uncomfortable.

The thing I am really impressed with is how much rudder authority you have in the RV, its just outstanding.

I agree Mark, looking forward to Ausfly!!!

Hey Newt you should drop in for a visit one weekend, I was out at Camden last Saturday afternoon dropping off a friend to pick up his Cessna Cardinal after its annual.

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Sure am, you know where the hangar is I gather?

I am going to be there Saturday morning replacing an EGT probe that failed on my #1 cylinder, probably around 10am.
