
I'm wrapping up my 40 hours and just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything going from Phase I to the perpetual Phase II.

It's my understand that I only need to log the following entry:

I certify that the prescribed flight test hours have been completed and the aircraft is controllable throughout its normal range of speeds and throughout all maneuvers to be executed, has no hazardous characteristics or design features, and is safe for operation. The following aircraft operating data has been demonstrated during the flight testing: speeds Vso ______, Vx ______, and Vy ______, and the weight ______, and CG location ______ at which they were obtained.

And that's it!

Am I missing anything? Any Phase I parting advice?
Isn't there an entry for maneuvers that were tested (loops, spins, rolls, etc.)?

Aerobatic maneuvers do need to be in there if you intend to operate your aircraft in that manner. It is a simple statement that you did them and didn't die.
Isn't there an entry for maneuvers that were tested (loops, spins, rolls, etc.)?

Only if those maneuvers were flown in the initial phase I. Most people wait until they are more comfortable with the airplane, then go back into phase I for aerobatic testing.
Only if those maneuvers were flown in the initial phase I. Most people wait until they are more comfortable with the airplane, then go back into phase I for aerobatic testing.

That's what I did Mel. Thanks for the clarification.
I'm wrapping up my 40 hours and just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything going from Phase I to the perpetual Phase II.

It's my understand that I only need to log the following entry:

And that's it!

Am I missing anything? Any Phase I parting advice?

There should be a statement in your original ops limits. That should be your log book entry.
There should be a statement in your original ops limits. That should be your log book entry.

My DAR had several pre-printed adhesive "labels" with the precise wording and blanks (to fill in) plus signature/date line for this entry and a few more for the first 2-3 annual condition inspections. I don't recall if he also had one for the maneuvers (not at the hangar at the moment), but he may have.

I just filled it/them out, signed and stuck them in the logbook. A very nice touch from a very professional DAR.