Okay, I'm officially envious

What a fabulous trip! I'm adding "Circle an active, steaming volcano" to my bucket list.

I particularly loved the views of Volc?n Villarrica. Thanks for sharing. I keep saying South America (Andes) is my next overseas trip if I'm paying for the vacation!
Wonderful video Roberto

In the 1980s I belonged to a group that simply called itself "The Flying Club" and we flew many places together from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico to Hood River, OR and east to places like Los Alamos, NM. I saw the same enjoyment, camaraderie and pride while watching your video. There probably is not enough of that kind of travel going on in either America - that is a shame. A very nice production.

Bob Axsom
Tahnks for the comments, we spend really very nice and unforgettable moments.-

The Andes range/Mountains cross, organize every year from Neuquen (Argentina) that is an international airport, by customs y migrations to Puc?n (Chile) for the same reason, in Villarica did an airshow to few minutes flght. From all Argentina, met the day before in Neuquen and cross the next day.-

The people who live far away had 1000 nm to arrive.-

Instead the cross is really easy for the RV?s because in that part of the range/mountain, could go with 8000 fts, but more to the north, have to do with 15.000.- and 180 nm.

By the way we cross with FL100 y FL 115 to return.-

This year went more than 50 planes (4 RV?s) and there were different kinds of planes, from PA-11 with 65 hp to an Eclipse.-

There is an organitation for next October, something similar, but much to the south, throught Calafate, where there are more than 150 glaciers, and arriving to Usuahia, the most southern city of the world, if you like to come, you will be very welcome
There is an organitation for next October, something similar, but much to the south, throught Calafate, where there are more than 150 glaciers, and arriving to Usuahia, the most southern city of the world, if you like to come, you will be very welcome

In my dreams! Retirement can't come soon enough..... :)
Good one Robbie....cant wait until you come with Jorge and visit us here in Charlotte...Im purcahsing the RV6A....will let you know more later! Robbie......Peru Next?
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Great trip and vids, beautiful airplanes, exciting scenery, and I spotted your new Gemini too. Thanks for sharing!
