
Active Member
I'm going to pick up my QB wings and fuselage from Vans next week.(I haven't been this excited in a long time) The trip by truck is 17hrs long and I have to clear customs coming back into Canada. Have any of my Canadian builders done the same thing and if so, am I in for a major shock or will the border crossing just be a walk in the park. I would not want to uncrate my plane in the middle of no were. Thanks
Russel Koch
RV9A Emp
QB wings and fuselage coming soon
I had no problem with my qb fuse. I showed up with a 16 x 4 x4 crate on my trailer, went inside for 5 minutes to pay the taxes and was on my way.

I can't guarantee the same treatment for you, but it was a non-event for me.

Vern Little, RV-9A
Rather Routine

When I was importing my kits, the customs process was very routine. The questions were asked and answered. I was pulled over to secondary to pay the related taxes and within 10 minutes, I was on my way.

Good Luck & Have Fun
Peter Marshall
I brought my kit back through Houlten Maine No big hassle. When the agent asked if I had any thing to declare I asked if there was a chance he didn't see all those big boxes back there :D Just make sure you have your bill of sale from the factory and you could give Customs a call just to make sure you have all you need.

RV 8 Fuselage

I am a US Citizen but I spend a great deal of time in Canada. This thread is consistent with what I see every day in Canada, but still amazes me. Three posts and not a word of discontent about paying about 14% (was 15% until July first) in sales taxes after/on-top-of having been taxed at income tax rates that would make an American violent. Most Canadians who can afford any kind of airplane are probably being taxed at a marginal rate of about 46% on their income. It is a good thing we aviators have more money than sense. In order to pay 46% plus 14% for your RV you have to pay out about $42,000 U.S. for a $25,000 QB kit. Hmmm.
hevansrv7a said:
I am a US Citizen but I spend a great deal of time in Canada. This thread is consistent with what I see every day in Canada, but still amazes me. Three posts and not a word of discontent about paying about 14% (was 15% until July first) in sales taxes after/on-top-of having been taxed at income tax rates that would make an American violent. Most Canadians who can afford any kind of airplane are probably being taxed at a marginal rate of about 46% on their income. It is a good thing we aviators have more money than sense. In order to pay 46% plus 14% for your RV you have to pay out about $42,000 U.S. for a $25,000 QB kit. Hmmm.

I guess its like the frog in boiling water story. If you put him in a pot of boiling water he'll jump out. If you put the frog in a pot of cold water and turn up the heat he'll stay there and boil to death. We Canadians have been
in this tax pot for a long time.

RV 8 Fuselage
just like Sweden!

Ya, lots of Tax(es) but please, GST (federal) went down 6 % from 7%. Then
individual provincal Taxes vary province to province (7% in B.C.)
execpt of course the "Wild Rose" province you know the one with all the
"black Gold" or "Texas Tea" as Jed Klampett put it.
I drove down to pick up my emp...crossing the broder was no issue. I don't think taking big boxes across will matter too much.

I've alway said...It's not what you make it's what you take home. In Canada the poor excecutive (or plumper for that matter) that grosses $ 120,000 with no write offs pays serious taxes. Gotta love bein' in business
(for yourself) :D