
Well Known Member
Well I did my first cross county in the 12 yesterday 600 mile round trip .
I went from my farm strip here in South Dakota to Grand Forks International Airport in North Dakota. My daughter works ATC for the FAA there. She was working when my wife and I came in. It was really cool to have my daughter working the Tower when we came in.

I was really lucky with weather I had tail winds both ways. Trip up showed ground speed of 160 MPH (127 mph airspeed)trip back showed 165 MPH (127 airspeed) Not many times that this happens.

Grand Forks is a very busy place. UND Areospace program has 130 trianing aircraft on the field. Lots of students in the pattern all of the time. It has been a long time since I went into a controled airport. I got a little briefing from my daughter ahead of time. I really like the Garmin feature that changes the comm radio freqs from the GPS Data and the monitor feature on the comm radio. When things get busy in the pattern it really helps. Also the Transponder is easy and fast to enter codes.

The RV 12 preformed perfectly on this trip . It looks to me like this will be a very cabable cross county airplane ,at least for me. In fact its perfect for my mission ,take off from my grass strip(good STOL preformance) and go into a busy airport if i have to.

I have 30 hours on now since the first flight on Sept. 20th.

Love this plane

Brad Stiefvater
Salem SD
I really like the Garmin feature that changes the comm radio freqs from the GPS Data and the monitor feature on the comm radio.

Good trip alright!

How do you change the freqs in the radio using the Garmin? I assume you highlite the freq and push enter?
Thanks for the write up and very encouraging information. With those speeds and a tailwind, what RPM were you operating the engine at?

I was wondering how many people are flying off a grass strip like yourself and how the 12 performs? Great to hear you are enjoying it. What would you estimate your takeoff and landing distances are as well as your strip length?
RPM @ 5300

My grass strip is a little wet and soft yet but with my wife onboard and some baggage (still under gross) take off about 700 with I notch of flap. Landing is about 500 to 600 . keep in mind that this was in about 30 to 40 Deg F temps . My field is @1450 MSL.

Thanks for the write up and very encouraging information. With those speeds and a tailwind, what RPM were you operating the engine at?

I was wondering how many people are flying off a grass strip like yourself and how the 12 performs? Great to hear you are enjoying it. What would you estimate your takeoff and landing distances are as well as your strip length?

Forgot to tell you my strip is 1400 Ft unobstructed both ways. I had been operating it of 1000ft but about 2 weeks ago I extended it to 1400 just for a little safety factor for those less than ideal days.

It's good to hear about cross country trips in the 12. I hope we hear about more.

