
Well Known Member
I finally logged some real cross country time! This is my roundabout flight plan from SF to Oshkosh to Philly. My old college roommate was getting married during the last weekend of Oshkosh, so I decided to leave the show early and continue to Philly. I departed SF around 1pm on the Friday before Oshkosh.


A view of the East Bay as I depart Buchanan Field.


After just 25 minutes I'm crossing the High Sierra on my way to Boise Idaho.


This is REMOTE country. I lost radar and radio contact with flight following for about 50 miles.


Come on engine...don't fail me now.


In just 2.9 hours I am landing at Caldwell Industrial.


I was exhausted after spending too much time at 11,500 feet (14k+ density altitude), so I decided to cut the day short at Gooding Idaho. Gooding was a short 45 minute flight down the snake river.


Not a bad looking whip.


The Gooding airport is a great place to rest for the night. There is a decent shower in the pilot lounge and they let me take the airport car into town for dinner. I pitched my tent on a patch of grass behind the airport.

Dawn Patrol... Today is going to be a long day. My goal is Oshkosh, over 1300 miles away!


Plenty of room in the 3 for snacks and water.


I wish I had time to explore these valleys, but even with a 200mph groundspeed I am over 6 hours from my destination.


Dillon Montana, my first stop for the day. Apparently Dillon is a world class fly fishing destination. According to the locals, this ramp will be packed with private jets in a few weeks. The airport manager told me they have a shower and camping area onsite.


So long mountains, hello great plains. Its getting pretty flat down there...


Sweet, they're still serving peanuts on this flight!


Miles City Montana where the winds were gusting over 30kts. My landing shaved a few years off of my life.

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Making great time now! I was burning just 5.5 gph @ 230 mph groundspeed.


You're not going to believe this. I randomly decided to stop at the Montevideo airport in MN for fuel and this is what I find. Dozens of planes that are racing to Oshkosh from Hayward CA. What are the odds. Unfortunately, it took me over two hours to refuel.


A quick two hour flight through a steam bath (relative to CA) and I'm landing at Airventure!


My home for the next 3 days.


After a short week its time to depart for Philly. My wife was flying United from SFO to EWR that night.


Woohoo Chicago! I spent many weekends visiting my wife (gf at the time) when she worked in Chicago. The lake was a sheet of ice last time I saw it.

I stopped in Indiana for a quick pit stop. It looks like rough weather ahead. I better burn some avgas and get out in front of it before its too late.


A view from 15K while sucking O2 from my new bottle.


The weather went to sh$t so I had to drop below it for a while. This is a shot of central PA. I spent many hours riding my bike over those mountains while I was at Penn State.


At long last, the limerick nuke towers (and the PTW gang) welcome me home. It took just 16 hours and 111 gallons!


I had my fill of flying for a while....time for a day on the lake with my parents and their trusty fishing boat.


Oh, and lets not forget the reason for this looong trip. My old roommate, his fiancé, and my wife are Indian, so I made my best effort to fit in.


Unfortunately for me (and fortunately for my dad) I was unable to get two weeks off work. I'll be flying it back to SF this fall. In the meantime my dad will be exercising the G-meter.
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Wow, what a great trip report and photos, though yeah, too bad you have to leave your plane behind but at least it seems it will be in good hands. These reports are motivation to get back out to the garage and wrench bolts!
I just got a hangar at the Caldwell airport. Next time you are in the area, make sure you let me know. I would love to see your paint job. I have admired it since I first saw it.

That is pretty good time from Walnut Creek to Caldwell in under 3 hours. What a plane!
Nice report Rob

We'll check on how your dad is treating the 3:) Hope to catch up with you in the fall.
We'll check on how your dad is treating the 3 Hope to catch up with you in the fall.

He's looking forward to it. He went for a refresher flight in someones 6 a few days ago. I'll get in touch with you when I pick it up in the fall.
<snip> You're not going to believe this. I randomly decided to stop at the Montevideo airport in MN for fuel and this is what I find. Dozens of planes that are racing to Oshkosh from Hayward CA. What are the odds. Unfortunately, it took me over two hours to refuel.


Talk about a small world. That is my friend and Van's poster, BDALPORTO, who flew N20HD to OSH. He's building an RV7 when he's not flying his biplane across the country.
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Thanks for this wonderful trip report! Sometimes I forget why I'm doing all this.

And -- glad you got some oxygen.

RV-3B closing in on the tanks

Nice write up and looks like a fun trip. Which side of CCR are you on? I am on the Northwest Hangars (LCA).

Which side of CCR are you on? I am on the Northwest Hangars (LCA).

I'm parked in the large shared PSA hangar. I'll PM you when I get my plane back. I've never been on the northwest side.
Dads Stick Time

Great write up Rob. Gusty winds can be stimulating. Glad to see you are giving your Dad some time with the 3.

All the Best,