
Active Member
This year my 15 year old son and I were planning a "Father/son" trip to Oshkosh in my RV7A. Now that AirVenture has been cancelled, we are still thinking of some kind of flying adventure. We live in New Jersey and we were thinking of a coast to coast trip or something like that, lasting 7-10 days. That being said, anybody that has done a trip like this and wants to share their flight plan and cool destinations or has ideas on where to go would be much appreciated.


the on-airport camping at West Yellowstone (KWYS) was one of my favorite RV trips to date. when I was there 5ish years ago they had free bikes you could take into town (maybe 2 miles), a diner on the field, and a rental car agency in the terminal to rent a car to go around Yellowstone national park. highly recommended!
Out in the western states, be it Montana or west Texas, the summer turbulence can make for a bouncy ride in an RV. Also, read up on mountain flying -- the RVs will have enough performance that many (not necessarily all) density altitude situations can be handled, but there's more to mountain flying than just density altitude.

Have a great trip!

Ed (who used to live out west)
Look in to visiting Mackinac Island in northern Michigan (pronounced ?mackinaw? - always). Only accessible by boat or airplane. When you land, you will have to walk, take a bike (available), or a horse & buggy. No cars permitted on the island, except a few emergency vehicles. Plan ahead if you want to spend the night there, or bop over to Mackinaw City (KPLN), or St Ignace for more reasonable accommodations. It?s a very ?touristy? place usually, but this year, maybe not so much. Might be the best time to go.
OK, I talked myself in to it. I?ve been there at least a dozen times, but it is really a cool place. Have fun with your son. Sounds like an awesome trip.
I fly to Mackinac Island regularly, great trip, currently most places on the Island are closed, many hope to Open May 28-29.
I have gone coast to coast many time with my RV-6 over the past 22-years. Almost every airport has something.

I also am thinking of a trip to Sacramento by RV-6 instead of airline. My biggest concern at this time is will I be able to get hotel room at night and meals. COVID-19 has messed a lot of stuff up. Not that concerned about AvGas as most places have self-serve. Once at an airport and fueled, will the normal services be available for travelers to get food and a bed to sleep in?

I hope next month all the VAF members post airport service reports so those that are traveling have some idea of logistics.
I have gone coast to coast many time with my RV-6 over the past 22-years. Almost every airport has something.

I also am thinking of a trip to Sacramento by RV-6 instead of airline. My biggest concern at this time is will I be able to get hotel room at night and meals. COVID-19 has messed a lot of stuff up. Not that concerned about AvGas as most places have self-serve. Once at an airport and fueled, will the normal services be available for travelers to get food and a bed to sleep in?

I hope next month all the VAF members post airport service reports so those that are traveling have some idea of logistics.

Hotels and restaurants are not a problem. You may encounter some closures, but there are still many options. Restaurants are takeout only currently.
Were I to try something like that I would attempt to include Mount Rushmore and the Grand Canyon and maybe Meteor Crater.
And if you like airplane camping, Johnson Creek, ID (3U2) can?t be missed. Landing there is challenging so do your research, but the grass strip is as good as they get.
My trip in 2010

I flew out west from Atlanta back in 2010. Hit the Grand Canyon, (there are special VFR corridors over the canyon, and you gotta be at a certain altitude depending on if you're going north, or south.---There is a special Grand Canyon sectional) Sedona (really really pretty-there's an airport there-with a restaurant if I recall) ), the giant meteor crater, Monument Valley (an absolute must--you gotta see that--you fly real low), down low over Lake Powell by Page Arizona (KPGA), Bryce Canyon, Arches National Park, the Hoover Dam near Las Vegas, (but check the local frequencies there, because there are tourist helicopters flying there also---they got all excited when hey saw me, until I came up on their freq, and assured them, I had them in sight.) Also, you gotta be under 6500 Ft there---Las vegas class B), Bryce Canyon, and last but not least, Yosemite National park out in California. There---That outta give you a few ideas. ;) This will take a lot of Googling on your part, and also you'll need all the Lats and longs for all these places.

I'd post a picture or 2 here on VAF for you, like Monument Valley, but I'm VAF picture challenged. If you're interested, shoot me you email, and I'll email a few pics to you---that I do know how to do.
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See the country ideas

Don nailed it for suggestions by the west coast. As you plan this trip look for those who have done this before you. Tim Olson on his site has a whole write up on the 48 states he has visited, check that as I?m sure you?ll see some really great feedback, typical for Tim.
If you?re a AOPA member there is a whole lot under TRAVEL from airports to travel stories, and don?t forget checking the states under this forum for local suggestions. As you have seen there is so much to cover, if you want to camp find airports with camping in Arizona there is PAYSON from there you can do Sedona, Grand Canyon etc for day trips and come back to a great point that is 2 hours from Southern California and over Phoenix area. Keep you out of hotels at least and they have courtesy cars at most airports for local visits. Up north there is idaho and that is full of great camping on the grass strips, crowded normally as it?s prime location for camping at the airports. Easily reviewed all the great places on the Idaho website..
Go for it!

Hi Jim,

There is too much to see in one trip but you have to start someplace. Here are the links to my web logs that will give you some ideas. We live in a beautiful country. But Southern Utah is the ultimate, in my opinion.

Great Lakes-Seattle-San Francisco-San Diego - Tucson - Dallas - July 2019

Utah-Colorado - October 2016

Green River-Mexico border-Gulf Coast - August 2014

Sante Fe Trail - June 2011

Lewis and Clark - Missouri River - July 2010

Oregon Trail - June 2006

Long cross-countries are the best and RVs are a great plane to do them in!

... Bill
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O2 = #1 recommendation

I've done the west coast and return twice in my RV-7. First time was in early July, south, through WV, TN, TX, NM, AZ to San Diego, returning via AZ, NM, TX, MO, IN. Second trip was in early August, to Victoria, BC via IN, SD, WY, MT, WA, returning via WA, MT, ND, MN, MI. Flying early in the day helps, as does paying close attention to the winds aloft over the mountains. Flying low will often not be comfortable. So, the ability to fly high while using O2 will make your life much better. I have the Mountain High system and highly recommend it!

Like you, I was planning Oshkosh again this year, but instead now am planning a trip sometime this summer or early fall to land in those States I bypassed on the last trips.

Enjoy your trip!

Stehen Coonts book


You might want to read Stephen Coonts book Cannibal a Queen. It?s about his adventure with his son to tour the U S, I think, in a Stearman, with his son.
Bob J.
Hi Jim,

There is too much to see in one trip but you have to start someplace. Here are the links to my web logs that will give you some ideas. We live in a beautiful country. But Southern Utah is the ultimate, in my opinion.

Great Lakes-Seattle-San Francisco-San Diego - Tucson - Dallas - July 2019

Utah-Colorado - October 2016

Green River-Mexico border-Gulf Coast - August 2014

Sante Fe Trail - June 2011

Lewis and Clark - Missouri River - July 2010

Oregon Trail - June 2006

Long cross-countries are the best and RVs are a great plane to do them in!

... Bill

I am really enjoying your trip write ups. Very inspiring to make a trip out west!
Cross country trip

Thank you to all that have responded. I'm really enjoying reading and looking at all the great pictures of the trips that you all took. The list of places are plentiful... Kind of overwhelming.... Keep the tips and ideas coming....

Hi Jim---I was rereading this, and I thought Shoot, I'd better add in some safety stuff. You and your son may well be planning to land at wherever you go. Me---for me, it was an entire aerial vacation, I never landed anywhere. I had seen this stuff from 33000 Ft., and always wanted to get down low to "really" see it. BUT---and I mean no disrespect here sir, I have no idea how many hours you have, but I was yankin and bankin my 8 like an F-18 at terrain plus 50 Ft. with one hand and shooting pictures with the other. (Most of these places, there's no altitude limit,ie its wild) But I've got roughly 23000 hours, When you're that low, a real danger is "wires/cables" stretched across canyons, or rivers. And the darn things are completely invisible. Please be aware of that. To me, flying a thousand feet above everything was not realy seeing it.
Again sir, I don't know what your level of experience is, and I absolutely mean no disrespect, I guess you'll fly and watch out for things in front of you, and your son will shoot the pictures.

OK, I've done my good deed for today:)
Cross country trip

No worries at all! I appreciate all the tips. As they say ?it?s a license to learn? and I?m all about learning. I plan to be very conservative. My biggest concern are the logistics... Which airports to pick for lunch stops and overnights, etc...

Thanks again.
Hi Jim---I was rereading this, and I thought Shoot, I'd better add in some safety stuff. You and your son may well be planning to land at wherever you go. Me---for me, it was an entire aerial vacation, I never landed anywhere. I had seen this stuff from 33000 Ft., and always wanted to get down low to "really" see it. BUT---and I mean no disrespect here sir, I have no idea how many hours you have, but I was yankin and bankin my 8 like an F-18 at terrain plus 50 Ft. with one hand and shooting pictures with the other. (Most of these places, there's no altitude limit,ie its wild) But I've got roughly 23000 hours, When you're that low, a real danger is "wires/cables" stretched across canyons, or rivers. And the darn things are completely invisible. Please be aware of that. To me, flying a thousand feet above everything was not realy seeing it.
Again sir, I don't know what your level of experience is, and I absolutely mean no disrespect, I guess you'll fly and watch out for things in front of you, and your son will shoot the pictures.

OK, I've done my good deed for today:)

That is the kind of flying I get excited about, but the potential for wires keeps me higher than I would like to be.