
Well Known Member
This one should be spectacular... [ed. I LOVE this stuff! The launch party sounds nice! dr]

New NASA Space Launch System

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I'm in north Florida, but I'll join you as you go by. I've watched launches from the top of water tanks at night, etc., but I've never been close enough to see anything other than the firey exhaust. An "up close" day launch would be fun to see.
This thing is almost as large as the Saturn V rockets, and I mean close by a few feet.

It will be an amazing site to see, I am down for the cross country.
Come on down to New Smyrna Beach. We can make a party of it. I have several favorite spots to watch the launches. Weather permitting, watching from my boat is lots of fun. I might even be able to scavenge a hangar spot or two.
Exploration Flight Test-1

Not to take away from the long term planning but there's also going to be an interesting launch this year, now scheduled for 9/18/2014, which is a Thursday. Stay tuned; that date may change.

It's always good to see that our citizens are still interested in seeing launches. :D

They are spectacular...and are truly missed.

Here's a youtube animation representing the EFT-1 flight.

And here's a youtube animation representing the Space Launch System.

Note that there are several videos of each launch system available on the internet. These are just examples I found very quickly. I hope they help you get excited about our launch programs. :)
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It's awfully far out for the first proposal but I sure am interested?and heck, I'd be interested in seeing them both.
Three years countdown...

Come on down to New Smyrna Beach. We can make a party of it. I have several favorite spots to watch the launches. Weather permitting, watching from my boat is lots of fun. I might even be able to scavenge a hangar spot or two.

I am in. I love Space parties :D
Canadians too

To make it an international event, I will round up a few of the Canucks to attend too! Rockets are cool eh? :p
Hi Brad, I am confident I will have my aircraft flying well before then, so I can launch from Minnesota with you.
Hi Brad, I am confident I will have my aircraft flying well before then, so I can launch from Minnesota with you.

Don't rush your build. Actual launch dates can be easily predictd by starting with the date announced by NASA HQ (inside the beltway - they don't actually know what hardware looks like) and running it through a simple 17th degree polynomial with factors that include the stages of the moon, Dow Jones average for the predicted launch date (recursive element) and several unknowable variables.

Take it from someone familiar with launch dates - don't make non-refundable hotel reservations! ;)

Will be a neat launch however!
Truly International

I'll be coming in... from the People's Republic of Kalifornia
Cool, thanks for the invite!

With any luck my RV-7A project should hopefully be up and flying by then, so please (provisionally) count me in.
Suggestions to mods

What if we we move this from Test/misc to Places to Fly/Things to see? Then revive three years later to check on those promises? Won't occupy much space in the archives :)
Thread moved

Okay, Vlad, good suggestion, so I moved it. Also, since Doug had this on the front page of today's VAF news, I thought he wouldn't mind. Hoping to meet you someday, Vlad. :)
Space Lanuch

Back in September late on a Friday night I flew to just south of Wallops Island, VA to watch the LADEE rocket launch (mission to the moon). It was spectacular to see the rocket from 5500' AGL and 10 miles away. Nowhere near as big but still very impressive!

I'm in.

I am in. This sounds like a lot of fun, both for the launch and other RVers meeting up. Will you be working with Doug Reeves to set up a site with details. You will need a bigger boat. Back in the 60's when I lived in Eau Gallie (Melbourne now) you could walk out on a long jetty to get closer. that path is probably long closed down.

dues paid
In. Last one I saw was 13 - from my front yard.

I've been looking at the schedules trying to figure out when I can see one.
Looks like the next date I might be able to make is May 1 at Wallops.
My wife and I were at the last Atlantis shuttle launch. It just seems right to be at this one. Sky Terrier will be there.
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these launches are spectacular--especially at night---We`ll welcome you with a "SMOKIN" flight of 4 RV-8`s out of Spruce Creek(7fl6) ---John
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these launches are spectacular--especially at night---We`ll welcome you with a "SMOKIN" flight of 4 RV-8`s out of Spruce Creek(7fl6) ---John

Hi John, saw your smoking Goddess the other day at SC. Fantastic show! See you here in the North soon :)
I saw STS-128 Discovery launch at night in 2009. It was spectacular. My, then 4 yoa, grand daughter watched with us. As Discovery got to altitude and was but a tiny light she stated "Papa, look, they made a star"..... they certainly did.